first reactions from middle school students in Poitiers

first reactions from middle school students in Poitiers
first reactions from middle school students in Poitiers

French, mathematics, history-geography and science. These are the different brevet tests that have been taken since Monday 1is July and until this Tuesday evening, the third year middle school students. There are just under 5,500 participants in Vienna, the vast majority in general series (87%).

Even though it is considered easy (the success rate in the academy was 89% in 2023, identical to the national average), it is an opportunity for students to face national tests for the first time.

“Easier than the white patent”

Monday 1is July, a little before noon, the first students to finish turn in their copy. At Ronsard college, Trois-Cités district in Poitiers, Aicha is one of those who leaves before the end of the test. But this is not an admission of failure, quite the contrary: “It’s easier than the white certificate, and it’s not as difficult as the teachers told us. »

For this third-year student, the main fear is the math test. “I don’t have much confidence”she reveals. “We are dead”confirm Yacine, Noam and Imyrity.

For other students, it is the history-geography test which is a source of apprehension: “What will cause me the most problems is built development”confides Anaïs.

“Every day we revised for a test”

In terms of strategies, each student has their own school. “to talent” and those who revise. “I worked on old subjects, those from the white patent and those from abroad”, explains Yacine. Seikou had another method: “I revised for an hour, then I wrote down on a white sheet of paper what I had remembered”he explains.

Some also watch videos on the Internet to revise the programs of the different disciplines. For others, the lunch break is an opportunity to immerse themselves in the revision sheets before the afternoon exam.

In any case, all the students were able to benefit from revisions in class last week. “Every day, we reviewed a different subject with our teacher for an entire day.”Aicha explains.



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