Towards flourishing seaside tourism in Al Hoceïma

Towards flourishing seaside tourism in Al Hoceïma
Towards flourishing seaside tourism in Al Hoceïma

The Rif Observatory for Development in Al Hoceima presented its vision to the authorities concerned regarding the development of tourism in the Al Hoceima region, highlighting the significant resources available, particularly its beaches, while expressing strong criticism of “the lack of an active role of the Ministries of Tourism and Transport, as well as local authorities who direct their priorities elsewhere.”

The Rif Observatory for Development has identified several concrete problems hindering optimal exploitation of the region’s tourism potential, in particular seaside tourism, a driver of the local economy for the creation of temporary and permanent jobs. In response, several solutions have been proposed.

He noted that failing infrastructure was a barrier to visitors, with roads leading to beaches requiring maintenance and improvement to be suitable for heavy use during the summer season. He also highlighted the lack of basic facilities at many beaches, such as public toilets, retail outlets and parking lots.

In addition, the Observatory reported that ” a serious shortage of transport available for residents and visitors to access the beaches, causing traffic jams and long delays”. He also mentioned ” increasing prices for services and facilities on some beaches in Al Hoceïma, such as rental of umbrellas and chairs, as well as snacks and drinks« .

In return, the Observatory proposed solutions to strengthen seaside tourism, in particular the need to maintain the roads leading to the beaches by launching repair and widening projects, thus guaranteeing ease of access and the safety of travelers. . He also advocated the development of beach infrastructure by building new facilities such as public toilets, parking lots and entertainment venues to attract more tourists.

The Observatory insisted on increasing the number of public transport by coordinating with transport companies to increase the number of buses serving the beaches, especially during peak hours. He further recommended organizing campaigns to encourage taxi drivers to offer specific services to the beaches at reasonable rates, as well as stimulating private transport companies to provide competitive and affordable services.

In this sense, he called for stimulating investments in tourist transport by offering facilities and tax incentives to companies investing in improving tourist transport services.

The Observatory proposed the creation of temporary stations equipped with seats, umbrellas, and sanitary facilities near the beaches, including basic services such as points of sale and vending machines for snacks and drinks.

The management office of the Rif Observatory for Development in Al Hoceima held several meetings to discuss the situation and the measures taken by the authorities to improve seaside tourism and facilitate the movement of citizens, recording several problems requiring immediate solutions.

The Al Hoceïma region is a leading tourist destination on the Mediterranean coast, known for the beauty of its beaches and the clarity of its waters, making it a popular destination for national and international vacationers during the summer, having recently occupied a place of choice among the world’s popular tourist destinations.



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