Traders are trained – Limoges (87000)

Traders are trained – Limoges (87000)
Traders are trained – Limoges (87000)

Training in life-saving techniques was provided to around thirty shopkeepers on Rue de La Boucherie, a district where traces of the fire that struck the heart of the city are still visible.

Three hours of awareness-raising and role-playing were provided by two young female firefighter trainers: Pamela and Marianne.

The session began on Monday morning at 9 am with explanations supported by concrete examples around the 3 letters to remember: PAS (for “prevent”, “alert” and “rescue”). To rescue, for example in the event of a hemorrhage, a heart attack or an attack. To rescue, also, in the event of electrocution or an accident.

The trainers recounted real-life experiences, recommending that everyone teach children not to hide when they are responsible for starting a fire. Because their hiding place, often difficult to spot, can compromise their rescue.

The morning continued with practical exercises: using the defibrillator, placing a victim in the lateral safety position (PLS), etc.

This training, which was much appreciated, was carried out following an idea by Marie Savatier from the “Deuxie chance” boutique. Having witnessed a fall on rue du Consulat, she realised how valuable responsiveness and time savings can be, even in the event of a simple accident.



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