Albefeuille-Lagarde. The committee will light the Midsummer fire

Albefeuille-Lagarde. The committee will light the Midsummer fire
Albefeuille-Lagarde. The committee will light the Midsummer fire

The beautiful season seems to have arrived, and a summer night is like a perfection of thought. This is a great opportunity for the Albefeuille-Lagarde festival committee which is starting to plan a little joie de vivre, and the first act takes place this weekend. The team will get into action with a great meeting proposed today Saturday June 29 from 7 p.m., in the hamlet of La Paillole. Already well known for the vitality brought to the village, the association will once again create an event in the symbolic spirit of the traditions of yesteryear by offering a Midsummer evening. “We have finalized the preparations to offer a great moment to the population, there is obviously a lot of excitement,” confide the presidents Marion Deshaies and Virginie Madaule. As a warning sign of this evening’s meeting, the whole team is in the heat of the action: “We have thought about several fallback solutions in the event of vagaries of the weather, so as to be able to maintain the event , particularly under the school playground.” A very favorable state of mind shared with the municipality. “We really have to thank our festival committee which does a remarkable job.” To organize the Saint-Jean celebration, around twenty volunteers are mobilized. “There will be a lot of people, we already feel the fervor of the big days, and we are very attached to respecting traditions.” This year, the fairgrounds will be present with children’s rides and inflatable structures. “We hope that the good weather will be there to allow us to light the big fire on the ground in front of the school.” In terms of catering, different options will be offered, and there will be something for everyone.

In these conditions, the fire that burns is the one that enlightens us, and it no longer has smoke when it has become flame.



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