Legislative elections: discover the debate between two candidates who are complete opposites, Florence Loury (NFP) and Daniel Grenon (RN)

Daniel Grenon (RN) will face the environmentalist Florence Loury, candidate of the New Popular Front, in the 1st constituency on Sunday, July 7. The incumbent came out on top in the first round, with 40.40%. His rival (25.34%) will have to make up a significant gap to win his seat. During a debate organized by The Republican Yonnethey confronted radically opposed projects.

As in 2022, the duel in the first constituency will pit Florence Loury (New Popular Front) against Daniel Grenon (RN) in the second round of the early legislative elections. The candidates debated their programs on Monday, July 1, 2024, in the editorial office.

What do you think of the results of the first round?

Florence Loury : “I am immensely sad. This is a very bad outlook for our country and the future of our children.”

Daniel Grenon: “Compared to two years ago, this is a very strong progression for me and the RN. It gives me great confidence and a surge of enthusiasm for our country.”

Do you understand that the RN is scary?

Daniel Grenon: “Why be afraid of the RN today? Since Napoleon, we have made a lot of progress. When I was young, there were no telephones, today we have arrived in another era. What happened in the past with the RN is forgotten.”

There are always slip-ups…

Daniel Grenon: “There are slip-ups everywhere. If we want to come back to dual nationals, all these things are debatable. My grandfather was Armenian, he never bothered anyone. Out of 30 or 40 positions, we cannot afford to have dual nationals. Maghrebis came to power in 2016, these people have no place in high places.”

Florence Loury : “When I hear Mr. Grenon, I hear that he is racist. The arrival of the RN in power is the discrimination of thousands of French people because of their origin or their religion. It is false to say that we are invaded by a wave of migration. Without immigration, our society does not hold up. If we no longer allow foreigners to work in France, our economy collapses.”

A Grenon-Loury duel, Julien Odoul re-elected, Philippe Veyssière withdraws… Relive the election night of the first round of legislative elections in Yonne

How to convince voters on the right and centre?

Florence Loury : “I call on the residents to form a republican front. We can succeed in blocking the situation.

Daniel Grenon: “I will remain simple. Continue my little journey, whether in rural areas or especially in Auxerre. For two years, I have not been to Auxerre much. I went there recently, I quickly realized that there was something to do. I will head towards the LR, I trust the right.”

Céline Bähr, LR candidate, and the mayor of Auxerre Crescent Marault (DVD), refuse to choose between you. Do you deplore this?

Florence Loury : “Given what’s at stake, I think it’s irresponsible. I’m in the municipal opposition and I defend ideas. That’s what’s expected of me. I’m extremely shocked. They know very well that I’m not far left. I’m a moderate person. I hope that voters won’t follow these public figures.”

Daniel Grenon: “Crescent Marault, like many mayors, called for people not to vote for us. My political sensitivity was very disturbing for two years. But voters don’t think the same thing.”

How do you see the campaign?

Florence Loury : “I am counting on the activist base. We are now waiting for a citizen mobilization.”

“It will be done more in Auxerre. When I went to the market, the faces tightened. But I am a very tenacious character. I have not given much proof because it is not in a year and a half that we come out with results.”

Daniel Grenon

Florence Loury : “Citizens must realize that they are all under threat. Mr. Grenon abstained from voting to recognize the right to abortion in the constitution.”

Daniel Grenon: “I respect abortion a lot, but it has nothing to do with constitutional rights.”

How to combat the feeling of abandonment in the countryside?

Daniel Grenon: “Rural people have been looked down upon for years, especially since the arrival of Macronism. Unlike you, Ms. Loury, ecologist, bobo and urban…”

Florence Loury : “You have learned your lesson well!”

Daniel Grenon: “…I will defend the good life, tradition, and I will bring projects that will allow our circo to emerge.”

Florence Loury : “You have already been elected for two years, what have you done?”

Daniel Grenon: “In Yonne, there was a shortage of 27/28 telephone pylons and no one had talked about it for three years. Two have already been installed. Around Auxerre, industry is concrete and grass growing in the middle. What do we do with it? Nothing for the moment. I’m working on it. We need to bring some economy back to Auxerre.”

Florence Loury : “There is an abandonment of the working and middle classes. Both in the countryside and in the city. Our priorities are to increase purchasing power, with two axes: increasing incomes and a minimum wage of €1,600, increasing housing benefits by 10%, free education, transport, and freezing prices on basic necessities. And re-establishing accessible and quality public services.”

Legislative elections: reactions in Yonne on the evening of the first round

Daniel Grenon: “Purchasing power starts with salaries. If we reduce charges, we give back salaries. Purchasing power, we talked about it in terms of electricity, in terms of basic necessities. We are going to reduce electricity, that will be a very strong point.”

Should we reconsider pension reform?

Florence Loury : “In the first fifteen days, we propose to repeal the Macron reform. We want to return to 62 as the retirement age. Then talk with the unions to move towards retirement at 60.”

Daniel Grenon: “We need to come back to it, there are things to review. We talked about 62 years unless there is a long career. They will be able to leave with 42 years of contributions, but there will be a reduction.”

Is immigration a problem for France?

“It’s not a problem. Many immigrants have necessary jobs. We need to improve their reception. There’s no point in toughening up the conditions, that won’t stop people from coming.”

Florence Loury (empty)

Daniel Grenon: “We need to talk about people who are in an illegal situation. They are fleeing because France is El Dorado. If we soon receive ten million immigrants, what will we do with them?”

Where does this number come from?

Daniel Grenon: “I release it as it comes to mind. It’s not the case today, but it will be the future if we don’t stop.”

Florence Loury : “You say anything to scare people.”

Daniel Grenon: “I’m not scaring people, we have to be aware of what’s happening. If they are in a legal situation, we accept them. But how many people don’t work in big cities. These people have no place in France. Let them go back home, with the end of the right of the soil.”

Why was the environmental issue overlooked during the campaign?

Florence Loury : “Because the RN is in denial about global warming, they are not interested in it. Our approach is already to respond to the social emergency. When people cannot pay their rent, heat their homes or eat, it is difficult to engage them in a transformation of our lifestyles. And then we will launch the fight against global warming.”

Daniel Grenon: “The need is to return to reasonable construction. We have ruined nature, we find ourselves with floods, global warming here and there. Humans need to take control of themselves to correct the stupid things they have done.”

How do we fight against medical deserts?

Florence Loury : “We regulate the installation of doctors, we ask them to set up where there are none.”

Daniel Grenon: “We are in favour of doctors being paid. And they must settle for 2-3 years in areas of high demand, in places where they are needed.”

Florence Loury opposes the sale of the Auxerre campsite to AJ Auxerre. Should the MP support the club at all costs?

Florence Loury : “My opponents are blackmailing me with this, it’s not normal. I defend the municipal campsite and the people of Auxerre. The AJA can develop with other alternatives. I will not change my position, it’s irresponsible to ask me that. Haven’t they understood the danger of the RN?”

Daniel Grenon: “I don’t know about camping, I don’t even know where it is. A campsite is mobile. I have a camper van, so I know about camping. The AJA has always been something important. Carrying out this project will help develop the economy. The AJA is the DNA of the people of Auxerre and Icaunais. This could be an opportunity to recreate a more modern campsite.”

Do you support the southern bypass of Auxerre? The NFP proposes a moratorium on major road construction sites.

Florence Loury : “Motorways. I have always been in favour of the bypass. In 2020, we included it in our programme for the municipal elections. The people of Auxerre have been waiting for it for a very long time. I live in the infernal triangle, so I am well aware of the subject.”

Daniel Grenon: “I am very much in favour of it. During the two years I have been annoying the prefect a bit to get it over with. I would even be in favour of the complete bypass of Auxerre. I have asked that we get to work on the bypass of Toucy.”

Sophie Bardin, Antoine Compigne and Franck Morales
Photos Celine Niel



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