facing Toulouse, the UBB kids dream of Brennus

facing Toulouse, the UBB kids dream of Brennus
facing Toulouse, the UBB kids dream of Brennus

CThis is the last step towards the Brennus. And it turns out to be rather high for Union Bordeaux-Bègles this Friday (9:05 p.m.) at the Stade Vélodrome in Marseille. In the Phocaean City, the Girondin club dreams of a title that would forever remain the first. But after so many challenges that have punctuated this interminable season, the last of them is the biggest of all: Stade Toulousain, 22 French champion titles, led by an Antoine Dupont in a state of grace, ready to sweep it all before concentrating on his Olympic dream. The top of the Basket.

“To mark a turning point in the history of the club, you have to win titles. We have the opportunity to do it”

Facing this red and black ogre who will play his 30e final and who have won their last nine in all competitions, the Bordelais are well aware of having the status of “kids”. But they are determined to play their cards right. In order to grow a little more and really move up the ranks. “The title of French champion is a dream,” emphasizes hooker Maxime Lamothe. “We know that to mark a turning point in the history of the club, we have to win titles. We have the opportunity to achieve it.” And thus restore its letters of nobility to Gironde rugby after the titles of CA Béglais in 1969 and CABBG in 1991, both times against… Toulouse.

Thirty-three years after the CABBG

However, before its very first final, don’t go asking UBB to carry this legacy around when it comes to entering the pitch. The challenge is already big enough as it is. “We know that we will have to deliver our best performance of the season,” emphasizes manager Yannick Bru. Our players will have to reach their best level. If we do that, we will see what the Gods of rugby decide.” Or “the Good Mother.”

Decked out as the big favourite, Stade Toulousain is looking for a second double in four years (European Cup/Top 14). “That wouldn’t be bad,” says full-back Thomas Ramos, with a smile. “If we win, we’ll take another step forward in the history of our club and rugby in general.” UBB is not there yet. It will try to write a first line on its list of achievements.

Despite this gap in terms of experience, this meeting for the Brennus will pit the two best attacks in the championship against each other. “It’s great to have such a final in view of the positive rugby that these two teams are trying to convey,” emphasizes Ugo Mola, the Toulouse manager. “Obviously, we recognize ourselves more in the opponent we are going to meet than in the hermetic side of the Stade Français,” confides Yannick Bru. We carry a philosophy that is closer to the Toulousains. But we don’t compare ourselves, it’s incomparable.”

This final will also pit the two biggest providers of the French XV against each other. And the big news came when the team line-ups were announced on Thursday evening: the hinge duel will indeed take place since Matthieu Jalibert (hamstring) will hold his place with the UBB. With Maxime Lucu, they will try to get the upper hand on the Dupont – Ntamack duo to ward off fate.

“This generation wants to have as much fun as possible, they just want to be good enough”


After having fought in the play-off and the semi-final, will UBB have the energy needed for this last battle of the titans? “We finished the last match against Stade Français worse physically than tactically,” observes Yannick Bru. The end of the match made us question ourselves, it’s something we thought about in the staff. There’s a real challenge in the last 20 minutes. I hope we’ll be there for the money-time.”

The UBB is moving towards its biggest meeting without lowering its head. After breaking the glass ceiling of the semis, she has everything to gain. “I don’t feel any form of pressure on the players’ shoulders,” assures the Bordeaux manager. The group is young, full of energy, full of carefreeness too. We made an effort this year, the players are happy to be there. This generation wants to have as much fun as possible, they just want to be good enough. »

If the challenge is immense, the dream is within reach. With a first title, UBB would come to sit at the table of the greats.



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