Lolly’s fight to save abandoned and injured cats

Lolly’s fight to save abandoned and injured cats
Lolly’s fight to save abandoned and injured cats

the essential
Lolly Ferreira, a behaviorist and cat specialist in Castres, created an association to take care of abandoned or injured cats, before having them adopted.

Recently, Lolly Ferreira, a behaviorist and cat specialist, created the association “Un deux trois cat”. Its objective: to take care of abandoned and injured adult cats or kittens, and to place them in foster families.

Faced with the saturation of existing associations, especially during the summer period, the creation of new structures comes at the right time for the city of Castres and its surroundings. “There will never be enough,” explains Lolly. I am aware of the amount of work as a former foster family. In a few weeks, I have already received several requests for taking in kittens to bottle feed or to care for injured cats.” The Castraise has surrounded herself with a team of seven trusted volunteers, aiming to offer a quality welcome despite a limited number of care capacities.

The association collaborates with a partner veterinarian

“Currently, their efforts are focused on caring for two female cats and their six kittens, who were found abandoned in a hamlet and are emaciated.” Lolly and her team take care of feeding them and sterilizing the females. The cats are then sent to their foster family. The adoption fee is set at a single price of 190 euros, regardless of the age of the cats, aimed at encouraging the adoption of adult cats, who are often less popular. The amount covers all the care needed for the animal to leave in good standing. This includes identification, vaccinations, tests for AIDS and feline leukemia, as well as antiparasitic treatments. Adult cats are sterilized before adoption, while for kittens, a deposit check is required to guarantee their future sterilization.

To do this, the association works closely with a partner veterinarian, which allows adopters to benefit from more affordable prices for care: “They kindly offered us their services,” explains Lolly. “It was a way for them to add their stone to the building in animal protection.”

An essential collection planned for Saturday

The association “Un deux trois cat” is organizing a fundraiser this Saturday, July 6 in the Melou area at the JMT store. It aims to collect material goods such as litter grains and kibble, as well as financial donations to support its activities. For those wishing to become a foster family, a form is available via the link on their website, on the Facebook page “Association Un deux trois cat”.



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