Blagnac. Baton twirling athletes in Croatia

Blagnac. Baton twirling athletes in Croatia
Blagnac. Baton twirling athletes in Croatia

It was on a very lively stand last Saturday, on the open-air market of the Place des Arts, that the athletes of the Twirling Bâton de Blagnac presented their new challenge. Not the next Olympic Games in Paris, but an annual competition, also in July. “Three athletes among us, Célia Duluc, Klara Labatut and Yann Garric, are qualified to compete in the European Cup, in Porec, Croatia, from Tuesday 9 to Sunday 14 July. And two coaches, Camille Cronier and Elisa Garric, will accompany them”, they explained to passers-by in the market.

A guaranteed success in terms of attendance, before the storm at the end of the morning brightened up the attendance at the venue. In order to help finance the trip, they offered cakes and other objects and accessories to visitors to the stand. But they also had another concern in mind, the club’s end-of-year gala, the next day, at the Andromède gymnasium, a great party that brought together in nearly 70 choreographies, all the categories of the association. Which had previously crisscrossed France from Brest to Saint-Dié or Villeurbanne, from one weekend to the next, according to the competitions in which they were involved. Often with success, from qualifications to first place on the podium, as usual one could say, while waiting for the return from Croatia…



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