In Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, these two restaurants organize the Grande Tablée, a dinner in the street

In Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, these two restaurants organize the Grande Tablée, a dinner in the street
In Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, these two restaurants organize the Grande Tablée, a dinner in the street

A table more than 50 meters long, 200 guests and a menu for €25. Saturday July 6, 2024, Place Georges-Le Hyaric in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, in Morbihan, hosts the Grande Tablée, organized by Canailles and the Sports Bar. The two restaurants, located on either side of the square, are joining forces to organize a unique event: a large, friendly banquet in the street.

Good dishes, good bottles and good music are on the program for the evening. The kitchens of the two addresses combine their talents to offer a starter – main course – dessert – drink menu for €25, oriental mezze style, with a vegetarian option. “It will be a good compromise between our two types of cuisine,” announces Camille Joly, from the Sports Bar.

“Not a picnic, but real table service”

To accompany the dishes, natural wines, beers and non-alcoholic drinks will be offered. “This will be served in real glasses, not plastic cups, explains Maxime Jourdan, from Canailles. It will not be a picnic, but a real table service, with tableware from our restaurants. » No need to have dinner to enjoy the party: it will be possible to come and have a drink and enjoy the music. The Bono brass band will liven up the evening, followed by DJs from the peninsula.

Theme: Breton News in the Kitchen

The Sports Bar team, in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon (Morbihan). | OLIVIER MARIE / BRETONS IN THE CUISINE
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The team of the Sports Bar, in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon (Morbihan). | OLIVIER MARIE / BRETONS IN THE KITCHEN

The idea for the Grande Tablée was born from a missed opportunity last year. “We celebrated our birthdays, our first year and the two years of Canailles, on the same day, without having consulted each other, says Camille. This year, we wanted to organize the party together. »

Soon a lasting event?

More than a birthday, the managers of the two addresses want to create a friendly and festive moment, around a table. “We have the same vision, focused on sharing, fresh products, homemade, completes Maxime. Even though our two cuisines are different, we complement each other. » On a daily basis, the two teams organize to share certain deliveries, give each other advice or simply visit each other. “We get along really well, he continues. Organizing this party, with a real spirit of sharing, suits us completely. »

On both sides of the street, restaurateurs would like the event to become permanent. “This could be organized on other themes, unrelated to our anniversary dates, imagine Camille. We would very much like this to become gourmet and festive events. We all need to come together around positive things, and above all, there are never enough parties in one life! »



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