On the way to a quadrangular in the 8th constituency of the Rhône?

On the way to a quadrangular in the 8th constituency of the Rhône?
On the way to a quadrangular in the 8th constituency of the Rhône?

The National Rally candidate, Jonathan Géry, came out on top ahead of the left-wing union in the 8th constituency of the Rhône. Respectively third and fourth, Dominique Despras (Ensemble) and the outgoing LR MP, Nathalie Serre, announced their intention to remain in the second round.

An unprecedented scenario is looming next Sunday in the 8th constituency, during the second round of early legislative elections. During the first round, last Sunday, four candidates qualified.

More than 8,000 votes ahead for the RN

A royal road for the candidate of the National Rally, Jonathan Géry, who came out on top on Sunday evening with 25,808 votes (33.46% of registered voters), far ahead of the candidate of the New Popular Front, Anne Reymbaud, who despite the feat achieved in this historically right-wing stronghold, came in second with 17,548 votes (22.75%). The candidate of the presidential majority, Dominique Despras, completed the podium with a total of 16,338 votes (21.18%). The big surprise, however, came from the outgoing LR MP, Nathalie Serre, who only came in fourth with 15,941 votes (20.66%).

But what we must above all remember from this first election evening is that the candidates who came in third and fourth place respectively announced their continued participation in the second round, despite the more than pressing threat from the National Rally which, in this configuration, would be on the verge of winning on Sunday evening.

Nathalie Serre (LR): “I am the only one capable of winning this second round”

Starting with the outgoing MP who, on Monday, indicated that she would remain. “Since the beginning of this campaign, I have refused to join forces with the RN, as with the presidential camp which, after seven years in power, bears responsibility for a dramatic situation for our country,” she explained in a press release. “How could I today support the arsonist firefighters of the presidential majority? The same ones who are withdrawing their candidacies in favor of the Mélenchonist far left! How could I support a candidate whose political party has unscrupulously joined forces with Mr. Mélenchon’s far left LFI and Mr. Poutou’s NPA?”

“I am the only one capable of winning this second round against the RN, believes the parliamentarian, assuring that “her” votes would not massively shift to one or the other of the candidates. Conversely, although Mr. Despras comes in third place with only 397 votes difference with me, his voters would vote overwhelmingly for an LR candidate who has chosen clarity. I therefore call on Mr. Despras to withdraw his candidacy. A candidacy filed despite the national directives of his camp which called for not placing candidates against the outgoing LR deputies who have chosen clarity.”

“The easiest thing is for her to join me because if we both leave, it’s the end of the ball…”

Dominique Despras (Presidential majority candidate)

An appeal dismissed out of hand by Dominique Despras who, on Monday morning, called Nathalie Serre twice to ask her, on the contrary, to join him. “Even if we can agree before the submission of candidacies, on Tuesday evening, it is not a done deal, conceded the candidate of the presidential majority. It is surprising to say that by coming in fourth position, Nathalie Serre has a better chance of winning. I do not understand his logic, because, today, I am the most likely to gather the votes. The simplest thing is for her to join me because if we both leave, it is the end of the ball…”.

A boulevard for the RN

Which would not displease the candidate of the National Rally. “With the candidates remaining, we are heading towards results of the second round identical to the first, which is not so bad, rejoices the police officer who is getting married on Saturday evening. Now, we must not put the cart before the horse and remain mobilized to amplify the movement. This is a historic moment. We are the only party capable of restoring France and of uniting against the left and Macronie. As we can see, Nathalie Serre played the local implantation, but that led to nothing. She was of no use.”

Although the negotiations behind the scenes are not over, Jonathan Géry knows full well that maintaining the four candidates would give him a clear path, especially since with a turnout of 74.16% in this first round, the reserves of votes are low. What’s more, during a quadrangular election, the only one in the Rhône department.

Stephane Voyant

Anne Reymbaut: “Irresponsible people!”
Socialist Anne Reymbaut has been furious since the announcement that Dominique Despras and Nathalie Serre would stay. “Being in the second round is fabulous, but not in these circumstances,” she regrets. “I don’t understand why these candidates don’t withdraw when, in the Rhône, everyone did. I would have withdrawn in a similar situation. It’s painful, but you have to take responsibility for things.” And the candidate fumes at Nathalie Serre. “I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer; so I understood that there would be no way.” The first deputy of Thizy-les-Bourgs, also rages against Dominique Despras. “I can’t understand why he behaves like this,” she says. “He doesn’t even respect his party’s instructions. It’s beyond me. He is in total political unconsciousness. He is a Modem fanatic!” And the candidate evokes an ego problem: “Maybe he does not accept the defeat of the municipal elections in Thizy, she continues. It is a fact that we cannot exclude”. One thing is certain, Anne Reymbaut has no illusions about the outcome of the vote which, in this configuration, would see the RN impose itself. “But who is responsible? Me? Having come in second place with 1,210 votes ahead of Mr. Despras and 1,607 ahead of Ms. Serre, it is not up to me to withdraw. In any case, I can no longer be faced with irresponsible people.”

The results in the 8th constituency of the Rhône: 106,007 registered, 78,613 voters, i.e. a participation of 74.16%.
Results : Jonathan Géry (RN): 25,808 votes (33.46% of registered voters) / Anne Reymbaut (NPF): 17,548 votes (22.75%) / Dominique Despras (Ensemble): 16,338 votes (21.18%) / Nathalie Serre (LR): 15,941 votes (20.66%) / Xavier Fourboul (Reconquête!): 876 votes (1.14%) / Tristan Teyssier (LO): 630 votes (0.82%).



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