Risacher number 1 in the Draft: “I had the chills” reacts the president of the Game

Risacher number 1 in the Draft: “I had the chills” reacts the president of the Game
Risacher number 1 in the Draft: “I had the chills” reacts the president of the Game

Exclusively for Radio SCOOP, the president of JL Bourg, Julien Desbottes, reacts to the good news of the night: Zaccharie Risacher, number 1 in the 2024 NBA Draft. Interview.

On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, Zaccharie Risacher, former player of JL Bourg, was chosen first in the NBA Draft, so he will join the Atlanta Hawks!

Julien Desbottesthe president of the JL reacted this Thursday morning on Radio SCOOP, exclusively.

Zaccharie Risacher in first place in the 2024 NBA draft, is that very emotional this morning?

Yes, these are completely unique emotions, obviously we had never experienced that for our JL club. Above all, we think of him and his loved ones. These are moments that are historic. It is absolutely rare. Ultimately number 1 in the draft is incredible and when we also know the human quality of the boy, it brings more joy.”

Was the announcement of this first place a surprise for you?

“Throughout the year, we knew that he was potentially in the first five then in the first three, after that, it’s quite secret and quite mysterious behind the scenes in the NBA. There are enormous economic and sporting issues for the different clubs, there can be completely legal arrangements between them. So in the end, we were hoping for this first place because it is always more flattering and for our club, it sends a message of professionalism and high standards. When we are first even if it is by
Through Zac, we know that there is only one first place. We hoped for it, but we would not have been disappointed if it had been another place.”

It’s a great communication move for your club, we’ve heard the name of JL Bourg as far away as the USA!

Yes, when I heard it, I got chills. It’s true that it gives the club a global echo. We know that the NBA is quite hegemonic in the world of international basketball. Which sometimes poses difficulties in France in the relationship that we can imagine for the general public between what happens there, what happens here and all the connections that we can have between the NBA and the French championship, they are very important to cultivate. When we manage to make a connection between the NBA and JL Bourg, this season will go down in the annals of our club.

“Even more so when we know that JL Bourg was a finalist in the Euro Cup, a semi-finalist in the French championship, our U21s who won the Trophée du futur and finally Zaccharie who placed first in the NBA draft. I think that we can be truly satisfied.”

What I like is that beyond the vision of the club, Zaccharie is a very endearing and very well-mannered young person. It’s precious to have young people like this in the world of sport and French basketball..”

Do you think this place is deserved?

I don’t know how to benchmark the competition. Zaccharie Risacher performed this season in an adult championship. He played around 65 matches with us and we saw him do things in sequence that we had practically never seen at Ekinox. Particularly against Monaco, he was able to raise his level of play against adults and in key moments of our season. Certainly, he had a slight difficult time, but I told him that it was normal, because the road cannot be a long, quiet river. The fact that there were some obstacles during the season and that he still finished in apotheosis by being one of our best players for the final championship play-offs, it shows that he has every chance and all its place. We wish him the best and we will obviously remain very close to him whatever happens..”

His choice is undoubtedly not trivial, do you think he is cut out for the great championship that is the NBA?

“At least, some people thought so. NBA clubs take 15, even 20 years before having the first choice, it’s a decision that is huge in their club building process. They are better placed than me to know if he is cut out for this championship or not. Me, I think that given his playing intelligence, the way he adapted this year, because he arrived a little in physical and mental form. He then rehabilitated himself to the level at just 19 years old. Now he’s on a 3-4 year contract, probably with Atlanta. There are a lot of drafted players who encounter difficult situations, because the competition is very, very tough, but I really believe in him. Beyond his qualities as a basketball player on a human level, I believe that he will have the game intelligence and the necessary development to find his place in this championship..”

From the JL to the NBA Zaccharie Risacher will completely enter another dimension

Yes we can say it is another dimension, travel is done by private planes, there are 82 regular season matches. It’s another connection to sport. American sport in its functioning is very different from that present in Europe.”

Given what is happening to him, Zaccharie Risacher must surely not regret his choice to have joined Bourg at the start of the season?

Yes, he said it couldn’t have gone better. Of course, we could have won a trophy to put the icing on the cake. He is a player who is not egocentric, he is a team player first and foremost. He has always acted as a model teammate. For our part, we put in place financial and human equipment to support it, that was part of the deal. In the end, everyone is rewarded. For JL Bourg, this young man was a superb meeting on a sporting and human level. It sends a very positive sporting message to young people. The way of behaving in this environment which can sometimes be caricatured.”

Do you think that in the years to come, it will once again be possible to attract gems who will fly into the NBA like Zaccharie Risacher?

“Obviously, this type of experience calls for others. But places are expensive, clubs are constantly in competition. Indeed, today, JL Bourg has all the legitimacy to hope to attract other prospects. But above all we need young people who look like us, otherwise all this will not be possible… The NBA clubs who came to Bourg realized the quality of our organization.

Four French players drafted in the first round, is this good news for French basketball?

Yes, this is excellent news, particularly for the level of training in France. Personally, I think it is very important that French and North American basketball find an echo so that we French can come out of our shell. If French basketball wants to exist, this bridge between our championship and the NBA is essential. So yes, this is very good news.”



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