Charente-Maritime revises its budget downwards • La Rochelle info

Charente-Maritime revises its budget downwards • La Rochelle info
Charente-Maritime revises its budget downwards • La Rochelle info

The summer session of the Departmental Council was held from June 24 to 28, 2024 at the Maison de la Charente-Maritime in La Rochelle, under the presidency of Sylvie Marcilly.

During this session, it was recalled that “All the Departments are today in a particularly difficult financial situation, due in particular to the increase in social spending and the slowdown in the real estate market, leading to a reduction in a significant portion of the revenue from Transfer Taxes for Onerous Titles (DMTO).”


During her speech, the president of the community, Sylvie Marcilly, indicated that “The Charente-Maritime Department had anticipated this scissor effect and exercised prudence by planning savings to balance its budget voted in April 2024, while maintaining its essential missions, in particular for the most vulnerable.”

Minus five million euros in the budget

However, the reduction in DMTOs over the first months of 2024 proved to be greater than expected. The Departmental Council therefore proposed an amending decision providing for a reduction in its budget of €5 million.

Aid to municipalities reviewed and corrected

During the session, the Department also specified that the principles of departmental support mechanisms for municipalities had been reviewed with the introduction of four criteria: the financial potential of the municipality, the financial potential per inhabitant, the income per inhabitant and the tax effort.

“The aim is to harmonize current systems and provide the best possible support to municipalities with the fewest resources. The Department’s assistance is essential for them to successfully carry out their projects, such as the installation of new local businesses or cultural and sports facilities.”

The terms of application of this overhaul (eligibility, rates, ceilings, floors, expenses retained, etc.) will be discussed in detail by all elected officials within each specialized committee.



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