Nice Airport. This plane costs 370 million euros: it is the longest in the world

Nice Airport. This plane costs 370 million euros: it is the longest in the world
Nice Airport. This plane costs 370 million euros: it is the longest in the world


Manon Reinhardt

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 5:08 PM

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This gray, white and burgundy giant of the air made a remarkable passage. This Sunday, June 30, 2024, the Boeing 747-8 of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, landed on the tarmac of Nice airport (Alpes-Maritimes) late in the afternoon, at 4:50 p.m.

Aviation enthusiasts have not missed it: it is about the longest plane in the world. The images are impressive.

Direct competitor of the A380

It was 4:50 p.m. when he stepped onto the tarmac of the Côte d’Azur capital, coming from London Stansted. The impressive aircraft, registered A7-HHF, belongs to the Emirate of Qatar. New, it is worth more than $400 million, or around 370 million euros. And for good reason: this behemoth is the longest aircraft in the world.

Developed by Boeing Commercial Airlines, the wide-body jet is longer than the larger version of the 747, making it the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States as well as the longest passenger aircraft in the world.

Its direct competitor? The A380 from the French manufacturer Airbus, used by Emirates to carry out its daily flights between Nice and Dubai.

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The plane from the Emirate of Qatar did not escape the Côte d’Azur spotters. (©Baptiste Lorenzelli / document transmitted to - Nice)

76 meters long

They both allow long-haul flights and have a double deck. The Boeing 747-8, however, is said to consume less than the Airbus model. It is said to be lighter and to swallow 11% less fuel.

The first flight tests were carried out in June 2010. The Luthensa company then began operating it the following year.

It measures 76.25 meters long, 5 meters more than the 747-400 version. At takeoff, it is also the aircraft that can support much more load than its twin with a maximum weight of 442,000 kg, the heaviest ever built in the USA.

A capacity of 467 passengers

Its wingspan reaches 68.45 meters. It can accommodate up to 467 passengers in three different classes. Several states have them for use as that presidential planes. This is obviously the case for America. But also for Qatar Airways, which bought two.

This model from the Qatari Emirate landed for the first time on the tarmac in Nice in 2015.

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