OL: Cherki and the Dortmund project, Lyon scrapes together the millions – Olympique Lyonnais

OL: Cherki and the Dortmund project, Lyon scrapes together the millions – Olympique Lyonnais
OL: Cherki and the Dortmund project, Lyon scrapes together the millions – Olympique Lyonnais

Rayan Cherki is heading to Borussia Dortmund, and OL will not oppose him. PSG is forgotten and the playmaker is seduced by the prospect of playing in Germany. Negotiations continue.

Announced in the sights of Paris Saint-Germain, who clearly did not want to go any further due to the presence of the Mbappé clan in the negotiations, Rayan Cherki will indeed leave OL. The playmaker, a true child of the club, is one year away from the end of his contract, and his performances, despite the enormous promises since the beginning of his career, are not necessarily living up to expectations. The proof is that John Textor made him an offer of a medium-term extension, but with a salary revised downwards compared to the time of his explosion. A real slap in the face and which could only hasten his departure.

OL wants a resale clause

It will probably be for Dortmund, since Fabrizio Romano has confirmed the strong interest of the German club, even if no total agreement has been reached for the moment. But the negotiations are underway and the desire is mutual. The player is seduced by the speech of the finalist of the last Champions League, who promised him playing time, and time to adapt, while assuring him that there would be no problem if he managed to explode and wanted to find a bigger club in two or three years.

For his part, according to the German press, Nuri Sahin, the new Borussia coach, is counting on him to breathe new life into his offensive animation. Everything is therefore in place for a transfer that will not be ruinous for the Ruhr team, since we are talking about 15 million euros, even if OL wants to slip in a small clause in the event of a capital gain on resale. Because if Cherki were to explode, with his still young age and his long-term contract to come with Dortmund, his next transfer could be plentiful and OL intends to take advantage of it as well.



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