The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 4)

The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 4)
The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 4)

How do the political crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza influence the geopolitical, economic and diplomatic future? from Moroccoand what strategies can the country adopt to navigate this complex and uncertain context, particularly in the face of tensions with Algeria, instability in Tunisia and Libya, and disruptions to global supply chains, while using its position of neutrality and mediation to strengthen its international relations and energy partnerships?

Me Abdelhakim El Kadiri Boutchich a addressed this issue in 6 areas:

  1. Geopolitical context.
  2. Morocco’s position
  3. Political and Social Fragmentation
  4. Impacts of the Local and Regional Crisis on Morocco: Diplomatic and Economic Challenges
  5. Morocco’s Place in the Regional and International Crisis
  6. Recommendations for Strengthening Morocco Economically and Politically

Impacts of the Local and Regional Crisis on Morocco: Diplomatic and Economic Challenges

Local and regional crisis can have complex and varied effects on a country’s diplomatic and economic development, including its relations with global powers like the European Union (EU), China, and the United States. Here’s how this could play out for Morocco[1] :

Impact on Diplomatic Relations

The impact of the local and regional crisis on Morocco’s diplomatic relations is manifested by increased tensions and complex challenges. These crises influence the country’s foreign policy, requiring strategic adjustments to maintain stability and international alliances.

Strengthening Alliances

Morocco seeks to strengthen its alliances to better navigate regional and international challenges, by consolidating its strategic partnerships and diversifying its diplomatic relations.

European Union

In times of crisis, Morocco could seek to strengthen its alliances with the EU to obtain political, economic and security support.[2]The EU could see this cooperation as an opportunity to stabilise the region.[3] and protect its own interests, particularly in matters of migration and the fight against terrorism.


Similarly, the United States could strengthen its strategic partnership with Morocco [4]to maintain stability in a key region and to counter the influence of non-state actors and other regional powers.


China may see an opportunity to increase its influence by offering economic aid and investment[5]in exchange for diplomatic support and access to natural resources.

Proactive Diplomacy

In response to a crisis, Morocco could adopt proactive diplomacy to attract international investment and aid.[6] This could include state visits, bilateral agreements and increased participation in international organisations.

Impact on Economic Relations

The local and regional crisis is disrupting trade, investment and economic cooperation, leading to financial instability and affecting investor confidence.

Adaptation and resilience measures are needed to overcome these challenges.

Aid and Investments
European Union

In times of crisis, the EU could increase its financial aid and investments in Morocco to support economic and social stability[7]. This could include development programs, low-interest loans and technical cooperation initiatives.


The United States could also increase its economic and military aid, as well as its investments in strategic sectors such as energy and infrastructure.[8]


China may step up investment [9]in infrastructure projects, special economic zones and sustainable development initiatives, in exchange for strategic partnerships and access to markets and resources.[10]

Diversification of Partnerships

Faced with a crisis, Morocco could seek to diversify its economic partnerships to reduce its dependence on a single actor[11]. This could include strengthening relationships with other emerging countries and regional organizations.

Commercial agreements
The crisis could accelerate the conclusion of new trade agreements with the EU, the United States and China, aimed at boosting i readcommercial angels and attracting foreign investment.

Attractiveness and Opportunities

Despite the regional crisis, the climate of political stability et Morocco’s economic growth could actually strengthen its attractiveness to foreign investors[12]Businesses could see Morocco as a haven of stability in an otherwise volatile region, which could encourage more investment and partnerships.

Strategic Partnerships

Morocco’s stability could attract foreign aid and investment, not only for economic reasons, but also for strategic reasons.[13]International partners could see Morocco as a stable and reliable ally, which could strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations.

(To be continued…)

Also read: The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 1)

Also read: The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 2)

Read also: The Future of Morocco in the Context of Political Crises in the Maghreb, Ukraine and Gaza (Part 3)

[1] Abdellatif JOUAHRI. Governor of Bank Al Maghrib. Hassan II University. Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences. LINKS – Center for Legal, Economic and Social Research. November 26, 2009. MOROCCO FACING THE CRISIS AND THE POST-CRISIS. Page 10 to 13.

[2] Chaima ABERNI. At the crossroads of crises: the metamorphosis of the Morocco-EU partnership. 05/28/2024.


[4] Yousra Abourabi. Morocco’s international relations: Morocco in search of a strategic identity. paragraph 22.

[5] Mohammed Ndiongue. Sino-Moroccan cooperation: An exemplary diplomatic relationship. Diplomatic Morocco. 04/01/2024. Interview with Dr. Nasser BOUCHIBA, president of the Africa-China association for development.




[9] China and Africa: Developing Economic Ties in a Changing Global Environment.

[10] Richard Schiere. Léonce Ndikumana and Peter Walkenhorst. China and Africa: A New Partnership for Development.BNDE.2011.

[11] Morocco: towards successful regional and international integration.

[12] Dear HMIOUI. Professor Habilitated National School of Commerce and Management, Fez- Morocco. Investment climate and attractiveness of Morocco for foreign direct investment. Moroccan Review of Management and Economics, No. 5, July-December 2011. PAGE 22,26

[13] Youssra Abourabi. Morocco’s international relations: Morocco in search of a strategic identity.



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