Former Toulouse players rave about the qualities of this “amazing” generation of Stade players

Former Toulouse players rave about the qualities of this “amazing” generation of Stade players
Former Toulouse players rave about the qualities of this “amazing” generation of Stade players

Stade Toulousain will have left its mark on the championship season but also on the European and international scene, with the Red and Blacks having won the Champions Cup in addition to keeping Brennus at home for another year.

Ugo Mola’s players have shown, throughout this season (which will have spread over almost a year, let’s remember), a serenity and a feeling of unshakeable superiority. So much so that some are now wondering if this Toulouse generation is not the strongest in the club’s history.

Le Midi Olympique asked this question to former legends of French rugby, who all played for Stade Toulousain. And for some of them, the answer is yes, without hesitation. This is particularly the case for Denis Charvet. This success is the result of largely optimized working conditions, a training policy that continues to perform, and the exceptional vision of a talented coach: Ugo Mola.

This Toulouse generation is the best in history and there is no comparison. Their performance is amazing even if, to compare the eras, we have to recontextualize. These players are formatted for the high level, this was not our case. Their preparation is not the same and I envy the comfort in which they are placed. This does not call into question the talent, Dupont would have been the best player in the world in all generations.

(…) What they have done for several seasons is incredible. I would especially highlight the quality of their squad in depth. They have used 55 or 60 players, that is a fact, but above all, all these players have an incredible level of play. That is the reward for the superb training work of this unique club.

(…) This success corresponds to the advent of Ugo Mola. Ten years ago, I would never have believed that he would become such a coach, that he would accomplish such things.

“She wants to leave her mark on her era”

Same thing for another great player from the Toulouse house: Christian Califano. There have been talented players in this club. But in recent years, it’s been a notch above. The players currently in place spoke of their desire to make history in their sport. For Christian Califano, this mission is clearly accomplished.

I take my hat off to Ugo because, contrary to what people might think, it must be very hard to coach this team with all the individual qualities present (…) Maybe this generation will manage to win four consecutive shields like us, but I think above all that they want to leave their mark on their era.

This generation will leave a huge mark, but it doesn’t care if it is better than the generation of the 80s or 90s, it is in the history it wants to write and today, we must realize that few teams are capable of beating Stade Toulousain (…) We talk about it with the old Stade players and we start to dream, imagining playing with them. It must be crazy.

These two former players are not the only former Toulousains to praise the merits of their successors. Very clearly, this team seems to have already entered the history of its club, or even of rugby in general.

To sum up

Stade Toulousain will have left its mark on the championship season but also on the European and international scene, with the Red and Blacks having won the Champions Cup in addition to keeping the Brennus at home for another year. Is this Toulouse generation the best in history? For some former players of the house, the answer is a resounding yes!



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