Saumur-Nord. Legislative: outgoing MP Anne-Laure-Blin wants to continue the work

Saumur-Nord. Legislative: outgoing MP Anne-Laure-Blin wants to continue the work
Saumur-Nord. Legislative: outgoing MP Anne-Laure-Blin wants to continue the work

The outgoing MP says she has “taken note of the decision to dissolve the resident”, a “prerogative and a choice which belongs to him”. She adds : “He considered that we had to draw conclusions from the European elections, I trust the voters to send him a clear message”. And in these times “complicated”the MP considered that she had not ” Not a minute to lose “ and that is why she immediately announced her candidacy. She believes that “Everything is at a standstill since there is no Parliament. This is detrimental to fellow citizens, including in our territory with files for the opening and closing of classes or compensation for farmers following bad weather, which cannot move forward. » Anne-Laure Blin therefore wishes to resume the work and the files where they left off: “I was entrusted with 235 files which were in progress, matters arising from the inhabitants of the territory. » The MP therefore seems to want to quickly get through this troubled period to be able to get back to work and pursue the subjects left unfinished. “in the interest of the residents”.

Authority and valorization of work

His main lines for this campaign and the work to come in the event of an election: “The restoration of authority so that there is no more impunity. I also want better control of immigration and that all people under OQTF are sent back to their country of origin immediately. I also want to restore purchasing power and value to work so that citizens no longer have the impression of working for a system and that they lose the fruits of their labor. I also want to continue to commit myself to making life easier for farmers who are constantly crushed by administrative burdens. There is also work to be done to facilitate the installation of health professionals in our territories or to support volunteer firefighters by fulfilling a promise from the government which is the revaluation of their pension.”

A local election before national issues

A few days before the first round, the candidate says to herself “serene and confident”counting on his action for the constituency in recent years. It is imperative that the elected official chosen by voters is anchored in a territory, that he or she has experience and knowledge of the functioning of institutions. This is my case and this will allow me to be reactive the day after the elections if I am chosen by the residents. » Anne-Laure Blin believes that the legislative elections are above all “territorial elections”, and although there is a national issue, “People vote for a local elected official, for the territory. It is not one election, but 577 legislative elections”.

Staying the Course Despite Headwinds

loving each other « libre » and wishing to keep his “outspoken”it is defined as a “right-wing committed woman”, and not like “a candidate of the media and political negotiations”. However, his political party, Les Républicains, was torn apart at the announcement of the dissolution with divisions within the party. “There have indeed been betrayals and this is deplorable and goes against my commitment. I was betrayed by those who chose to carry Emmanuel Macron’s program, and by the one (Editor’s note Eric Ciotti) who chose the RN. I remained straight in my line, independent and free. I have not made an alliance with the RN or Macronism. Some preferred tactics and device combinations, I do not deviate from my course, despite the circumstances”testifies Anne-Laure Blin.



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