To guarantee sufficient stock before summer, come and donate your blood at the Palais de l’Europe in Menton

To guarantee sufficient stock before summer, come and donate your blood at the Palais de l’Europe in Menton
To guarantee sufficient stock before summer, come and donate your blood at the Palais de l’Europe in Menton

Butterfly Effect. This principle, popularized by chaos theory, describes the idea that a small change in a system can have significant long-term repercussions. For example, a small act of kindness can ultimately lead to significant changes in someone’s life. This is one of the principles applicable to blood donation.

With the arrival of summer, the need for blood increases. Vacations, travel and summer activities increase the risk of accidents and emergency situations, making blood donations even more crucial. This substance which irrigates the human body is irreplaceable and essential for many emergency situations (hemorrhages, accidents, surgical operations) and chronic needs (illnesses, cancers). The blood collection campaigns carried out by the French Blood Establishment (EFS) are therefore of a vital nature. Donations must be regular and constant due to the limited lifespan of blood products: 5 days for platelets and 42 days for red blood cells. No product can replace donor blood, making each donation crucial.

More than 400 donors last year

The next collection of this type will take place in Menton tomorrow, Friday June 28, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Palais de l’Europe.

A few weeks ago, the EFS was worried about blood reserves as the school holidays approached. “Despite advances in research, human blood cannot be substituted. This is why this voluntary act is irreplaceable”, explains Maud Bergeon of the EFS, who hopes that at least 60 donors from Menton (and beyond) will make the trip. Recalling in passing that ten collection days were organized in Menton in 2023. They made it possible to welcome 487 donors and collect 421 bags.

“Donating blood is a simple, quick, painless gesture and above all one that saves lives,” continues Maud Bergeon to convince those who are apprehensive about the blood sample. When the donors arrive, our team takes care of the reception and checks the identity document. The pre-donation questionnaire is then given. It must be completed before the “pre-donation” medical interview. the donor. Confidential in nature, it guarantees the safety of the donor and that of the people who will receive the blood products resulting from the donation. The blood sample is taken in a lying position and under supervision. The volume collected is adapted to each person. therefore varies between 420 and 480 ml, depending on the weight and size of the donor. And to get off to a good start, donors will be able to enjoy our snack for at least twenty minutes, in the company of other donors and volunteers. A moment to relax under the caring eye of our medical team.”

Every donation counts and can lead to significant changes in someone’s life…

For more information, go to the EFS website:



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