Relegated to N2 by the DNCG, Niort and Châteauroux will appeal

Relegated to N2 by the DNCG, Niort and Châteauroux will appeal
Relegated to N2 by the DNCG, Niort and Châteauroux will appeal
Supporters of the Chamois Niortais. (Photo Philippe Le Brech)

This Wednesday, June 26, the Chamois Niortais and the Berrichonne de Châteauroux were administratively relegated to N2 by the DNCG. Both clubs decided to appeal.

The two clubs have not had the same season but share a summer that could turn out to be a nightmare. Sportingly relegated from Ligue 2 at the end of the 2022-2023 season, Hinschberger’s Chamois were able to bounce back by getting involved in the fight for promotion until the last day of the National.

Châteauroux for its part had to fight to maintain its position throughout the season. But this Wednesday, June 26, the two clubs suffered the same sentence: administrative relegation to National 2. Both decided to appeal. But today the future looks very bleak for the supporters of both teams.

The Châteauroux press release


In a context of unprecedented crisis in football, La Berrichonne de Châteauroux was interviewed today by the DNCG in order to present its forecast budget for the 2024/2025 season and its plan for balancing the accounts for the next seasons put into effect. place for 4 months.
The club has presented all the financial guarantees to balance the accounts next season thanks to the significant financial contribution of its majority shareholder STRATTON OAKMONT SPORTS but also thanks to its new national partners brought, among others, by the group ARENA EVENTS chaired by Nicolas Garrigues.
However, after examining the file, the commission decided, like last season, to demote the club to National 2 in view of the very significant deficit accumulated in recent years and dating from before the club’s takeover last February.
La Berrichonne de Châteauroux is appealing this decision today and will be heard again very soon by the DNCG appeals committee.
The club is obviously doing everything it can to provide the additional information and guarantees necessary to convince the commission to maintain the club in National 1.
The entire management team nevertheless anticipated this requirement and has already taken concrete actions to meet the DNCG’s expectations within the allotted time.
The club, which calls for unity, would like to thank all its supporters and partners for their unwavering support and assures them of its determination to do everything possible to maintain its place in National 1.

Journalist chez Sports Media

Raised in the heart of the Alps, Fred leaves (temporarily) his beloved Grenoble to lend his pen and his perspective to the amateur world and more particularly to the National Championship of which he is an avid observer. Fan of tartiflette, Karim Mokeddem and Mulholland Drive. The good things in life, in short.

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