Édith Roche (Far Left): “Profoundly change this revolting and unjust society”

Édith Roche (Far Left): “Profoundly change this revolting and unjust society”
Édith Roche (Far Left): “Profoundly change this revolting and unjust society”

Le Pays solicited all the candidates for the 5th constituency of Roannais by asking each of them the same questions. Here, Édith Roche (extreme left banner).

Can your proposals be heard in this blitz? We are all the more audible because we denounce, in this campaign, what millions of workers, unemployed and retired people are experiencing: galloping inflation while salaries and pensions are frozen; the dilapidation of hospitals and schools; the abandonment of working-class neighborhoods. At the other end of the spectrum, the capitalists are drowning in the money they make from the exploitation of our labor.

What are your priorities at the national and local level? We need a massive increase in salaries and pensions, and their indexation to the cost of living. We must repeal all the anti-worker laws taken by Macron: on retirement, against the unemployed and anti-immigrant laws. All this cannot be achieved by a simple vote, but by worker struggles. The vote for my candidacy will make it possible to reject Macron and the RN, without placing confidence in a left which has always governed in the service of the capitalists.

How do you plan to influence the political scene in the event of an election, knowing that the balance that is expected within the hemicycle is unprecedented? A Lutte Ouvrière deputy would be the eyes and ears of the world of work within this bourgeois assembly. But its weight can only come from the workers in struggle, and not from political combinations. Whatever the outcome of the elections, we will have to fight to wrest power from the capitalists who are leading humanity into chaos and war. The urgency is to build a communist, revolutionary and internationalist party, which carries these ideas and will make it possible to profoundly change this revolting and unjust society.



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