Major changes in the organization of Marsa Maroc

Major changes in the organization of Marsa Maroc
Major changes in the organization of Marsa Maroc
A l’issue des Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the shareholders of the Société d’Exploitation des Ports Marsa Moroccoheld this Tuesday, June 25, 2024, many changes have been decided.

The Extraordinary General Meeting convened just after the AGM, after having taken note of the proposal of the Management Board to change the mode of administration and management of the Company, decided that Marsa Maroc will no longer be on the Supervisory Board and Management Board but will be , now, administered by a Board of Directors, indicates the company in a press release.

It was also decided to transfer the head office of the Company from its current address to the following address “Angle boulevard Route d’El Jadida and Rue les Papillons, Casablanca ».

In order to take these modifications into account, the Extraordinary General Meeting adopted the new statutes of the Company.

Furthermore, following the change in the Company’s mode of governance and the adoption of the formula of a limited company with a Board of Directors, the AGO noted the cessation of the functions of the members of the Supervisory Board and the members of the Management Board and made the appointments of:

– Fouad BRINI: Administrator;

– Tanger Med Dev Log: Administrator, represented by Mehdi TAZI RIFFI;

– Mehdi TAZI RIFFI: Administrator;

– Loubna GHALEB: Administrator;

– Anouar EL JABBARI: Administrator;

– Mustapha EL OUAFI: Independent director;

– The National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Participations and monitoring of the performance of public establishments and enterprises (ANGSPE): Administrator, represented by Khalid EL HATTAB;

– The Collective Retirement Allowance Scheme: Administrator, represented by Ouafae MRIOUAH;

– The Moroccan Pension Fund: Administrator, represented by Mohammed Jaber KHEMLICHI;

– Wafa Assurance: Administrator, represented by Boubker JAÏ.

A Board of Directors, meeting at the end of the General Meetings, decided to appoint Fouad WORRY Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ports Operating Company – Marsa Maroc – and Pull EL AROUSSIManaging Director of the company.

Note that the AGO approved the accounts for the financial year ending December 31, 2023, as presented to it by the Management Board and decided to distribute a dividend of 8.5 dirhams per share. . This dividend will be paid from August 7, 2024.



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