Interview. Toulouse. François Piquemal: “Jean-Luc Moudenc is a pass-through for the extreme right”

Interview. Toulouse. François Piquemal: “Jean-Luc Moudenc is a pass-through for the extreme right”
Interview. Toulouse. François Piquemal: “Jean-Luc Moudenc is a pass-through for the extreme right”


Guillaume Laurens

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 1:32 PM

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Only deputy from Haute-Garonne re-elected in the first round of the 2024 legislative elections (53,39 %), Sunday June 30, in the 4th constituency in Toulouse, Francois Piquemal (LFI), 39 years old, looks back on this election, its issues, but also its repercussions on local political life… In an interview given to Toulouse news, where he destroys the Capitol tenant Jean-Luc Moudencthe parliamentarian is planting a little more of the milestones of an “alternation in 2026”. Interview.

- : You were elected in the first round, you also gained more than 9,000 votes compared to 2022. What is your greatest satisfaction?

François Piquemal: Both! If we don’t win these 9,000 votes, we won’t be elected in the first round. We also get twice as many votes as the rebellious candidate in the second round of the 2017 Legislative elections.
This success is, in my eyes, linked to three factors. The first is the dynamic created by the New Popular Front and the common program. The second is the superb campaign led by the activists. The last is the work done since the election two years ago, and beyond for years with the activists, which is paying off today.
I looked at the history of the constituency: there was only one time when a candidate was elected in the first round. It was Alex Raymond, in 1981. It is therefore a notable political fact, even if obviously, between the redistricting and the population renewals, the constituency has changed a lot since then.

“It is more than urgent that there be an alternation in 2026”

What results are most meaningful to you?

F.P. : In the polling stations of Saint-Cyprien, Patte d’Oie and Arènes, our scores are 60 to 70%. We come out on top everywhere, including in Lardenne, a so-called right-wing district, or in Saint-Simon, where it is more politically balanced.
Another satisfaction is the increase in participation of 20% in two years in the Grand Mirail, where we have rarely seen such rates in elections other than the Presidential. We are reaching around 50% of voters, which is encouraging, even if it remains well below the national average. But we felt that a dynamic had been created in these neighborhoods, with scores of 85% in Bellefontaine and 88% in La Reynerie.

The mayor of Toulouse dismissed “the extremes” on Monday, refusing to choose between the two blocs. Do you feel targeted?

F.P. : No. But his words are totally irresponsible, and even dangerous. Jean-Luc Moudenc adds a stone to his sad edifice of serving hatch of the extreme right. The people of Toulouse are now well informed that this mayor will not protect them from discrimination if the extreme right comes to power. Today, the only ones capable of doing so are the representatives of the New Popular Front.
I take note of this, and it is more than urgent that there be an alternation in 2026 to have a municipality that protects the inhabitants and does not deliver them to the brutes that are the representatives of the National Rally.

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“This score is politically significant. Everyone tells me so!”

The RN has also made a strong impact everywhere in France, including in your constituency where it tripled its number of votes. What does that inspire in you?

F.P. : As for Toulouse, the National Rally sees part of the Republicans, or what is left of them, but also of the Macronist camp, going to its votes.
I want to address those who have republican values ​​firmly rooted in their bodies, so that they think twice about their choices before the second round. I invite them to look at our program in detail: they will see that it is serious, quantified and credible. Faced with the catastrophic prospects for millions of people that the RN is preparing, sharing wealth is an opportunity for our country.

You mentioned “an alternation in 2026”. Does your score invite you to invest yourself differently in Toulouse?

F.P. : It’s premature to talk about it. Today, my priority is to help all the candidates of the New Popular Front before the second round, so that we have as many deputies as possible and that we can, why not, form a majority. I was canvassing this Tuesday morning for Anne Stambachr. I will be door-to-door on Wednesday with Agathe Roby. I will be alongside Christophe Bex in Cugnaux on Thursday, and on Friday at the Bagatelle market to support Christine Arrighi. In the meantime, I will try to go see Hadrien Clouet.
Obviously, this score is politically significant. Everyone tells me so! But we must take things step by step: we will prepare what is needed for the changeover in due time.

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