at the Pau Municipal Council, François Bayrou called to be clearer on his positioning

at the Pau Municipal Council, François Bayrou called to be clearer on his positioning
at the Pau Municipal Council, François Bayrou called to be clearer on his positioning

The boiling political news also caused a stir during the Pau Municipal Council this Monday, June 24. It occupied forty-five minutes at the start of the council, with the opposition calling on Mayor François Bayrou to be clearer on his position, at the dawn of the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30.

A first observation is shared by all the elected officials who spoke: the situation is serious. “This is a moment of very deep concern,” shared François Bayrou in his opening remarks. It was believed that these snakes were asleep and these poisons warded off. […] For many of us, France was safe, was a shelter. »

The elected official wants to “raise awareness”. “For me, this is a terrible and dangerous moment. With, moreover, programs that go with it and compatriots who allow themselves to be poisoned by these excesses and these excesses. »

“In the same bag”

The mayor does not cite any party but regarding “violence”, or “stigma”, he “mentions positions on different sides of the political spectrum”. Which has the gift of making the opposition react.

The first banderilla, moderate, comes from advisor Jérôme Marbot, departmental boss of the Socialist Party, who explains the push of the National Rally by “a feeling of downgrading and rupture”. “I don’t put an equal sign between the two ends of the chessboard,” explains Jérôme Marbot, implying that this is the case for the mayor.

The elected representatives of Pau, on the opposition bench, almost all reacted to the mayor’s comments on the political situation less than a week before the first round of the legislative elections.

Quentin Top

“I have never put an equal sign between anything,” refutes the chief magistrate. I can’t prioritize the risk. I know the severity is extreme in both cases. » Called for clarification by opposition councilors Jean-François Blanco, Emmanuelle Camelot or Tuncay Cilgi, he distinguishes entities and sensitivities in the “left entity”. “I don’t put them in the same bag and one of them participated in the brutalization of the public debate. Its leader participated in the conflictualization of all subjects,” he tackles, referring to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of France Insoumise.

“Great peril”

“Your political family is in dire straits,” says, more offensively, Emmanuelle Camelot. If July 7 marks the coming to power of the National Rally, your responsibility will be obvious. » “Your message confuses citizens,” says Tuncay Cilgi.

Others, like Marion Bussy or Jean-François Blanco, display a clear “blockade” position to the far right. “It’s a choice that won’t take me a second to make. The real danger is that of the National Rally”, explains the latter, worried to see that “Pau is not spared”. “There is a great danger, a post-fascist program, that of the RN, because it is based on national preference. »

The elected official recalled that during the last European elections in the royal city, Jordan Bardella’s list was ahead of that of Raphaël Glucksmann by a short head. Which gives the National Rally hope for its first deputy in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department.



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