Education, security, employment… The “city contract” system will be reactivated until 2030 for these two priority districts of Fréjus

Education, security, employment… The “city contract” system will be reactivated until 2030 for these two priority districts of Fréjus
Education, security, employment… The “city contract” system will be reactivated until 2030 for these two priority districts of Fréjus

Already targeted by the 2015-2020 city contract – which was extended until the end of 2023 – the Fréjus districts of La Gabelle and L’Agachon had thus been designated as priorities for city policy and benefited from a envelope of €3.2M intended to finance, in particular, social cohesion, the fight against unemployment, the improvement of the living environment and the establishment of citizen councils for monitoring projects.

A device that led to “some progress”, underlines Frédéric Masquelier, president of Estérel Côte d’Azur agglomeration (ECAA) which is responsible for city policy. Among those: “the reactivation of the CLSPD, the creation of the services center, local social support”. However, ECAA, lists many failures: “The social centers which have all closed, the local urban and social management convention to improve the living environment of La Gabelle having failed, the citizen councils which did not last, the riots in La Gabelle as well or even the maintenance of a high level of delinquency and a rise in Islamist radicalism”.

Ultimately, the balance sheet is estimated “very mixed”. Which does not mean that the city will throw in the towel. On the contrary, ECAA today offers “a new city contract simplified in its objectives and its management, with a concentration of resources”.

Concretely, after consultation with the residents of the two neighborhoods, the intermunicipality defined an action plan comprising four components.

1. Tranquility and security

At La Gabelle, it will be about creating living and socializing places for young people. To intervene with 13-15 year olds against dropping out of school. To prioritize the treatment of juvenile delinquency. To terminate leases or even evict those responsible for disturbing the peace. To continue the police presence.

In L’Agachon, it is planned to set up street educators. To bring young people closer to law enforcement.

2. Promoting education

In La Gabelle, obtaining the Educational City Label, the strengthening of educational measures, the improvement of learning conditions, support for parenthood promoting women’s rights, the strengthening of social support and the development of practice of women’s sports are on the program.

At L’Agachon, in addition to the Educational City Label also targeted, it will be a question of preserving the structure of animation of social life and services for families, of consolidating socio-linguistic workshops, of supporting the use of digital , to develop the “Become a citizen” system.

3. Access to employment for residents

In La Gabelle as in L’Agachon, the objective is to set up an employment committee, to support the integration of young people, to work to remove psychological obstacles to mobility, to bring together companies and associations or even to develop childcare arrangements.

4. Improving the living environment

In La Gabelle, this will involve demolishing the former social center, deploying video surveillance, engaging social landlords to ensure social diversity in order to avoid any communitarianism and to reinforce access to the law. most precarious.

At L’Agachon, renovation work on outdoor spaces is planned.

During the last municipal council, the elected officials of Fréjus approved the extension of the city contract. This must still be signed by the mayor, the president of the agglomeration and the prefect. The amount of the envelope allocated to this system should be revealed during this signature.



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