Michael Oguine continues his adventure in Pro B with the Chorale de Roanne

Michael Oguine continues his adventure in Pro B with the Chorale de Roanne
Michael Oguine continues his adventure in Pro B with the Chorale de Roanne

The Choir has just recruited Michael Oguine. An experienced fullback in Pro B. With Roanne, he will have his fifth season at this level.

One more piece on the board. This weekend, the Roanne Choir formalized the arrival of a new player. Cotonou* Michael Oguine will solidify the club’s rear traction.

The 27-year-old has extensive experience in Pro B. In fact, he will be playing for the fifth season in a row at this level. Before arriving in the north of the Loire, the American wore the jersey of Souffelweyersheim, Saint-Chamond, Denain and Pau-Lacq-Orthez.

Friendship with Terrell Gomez

“Michael, a player referenced in Pro B, who in my opinion can still progress in certain aspects of the game. Through his crossing ability, he will bring us a lot of creation, while being a defensive leader. In terms of state of mind , he is someone who is unanimously unanimous wherever he goes, and his relationship with Terrell [Gomez] is a significant aspect”, underlines Thomas Andrieux, coach of the Chorale. Michael Oguine played with Gomez in the United States several years ago, and was also Dylan Affo Mama’s teammate in Pau.

Organization chart, management, players… The new project of the Chorale de Roanne

With his last club, Élan Béarnais, Michael Oguine scored 14.8 points per match in just under 29 minutes on average. The fullback has a certain ability to steal the ball from the opponent. Since his professional debut, he has averaged between 1 and 1.7 interceptions per game.

“I am delighted to join the Chorale de Roanne. I had an excellent discussion with Coach Thomas about his vision for the team. I look forward to working with him and my teammates for this new season,” announces the player.

Morgan Parmentier

* Non-US foreign player



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