The fifth fresco of the graphic trail inaugurated

The fifth fresco of the graphic trail inaugurated
The fifth fresco of the graphic trail inaugurated

Located on one of the facades of the Jean Masson gymnasium, the fifth fresco of the graphic route of the city of Chaumont was inaugurated this Saturday, June 22 in the presence of the author Grégoire Romanet.

It was in the presence of local elected officials including Mayor Christine Guillemy and certain contributors that the fifth fresco of the graphic route of the city of Chaumont was inaugurated this Saturday, June 22. The latter is located on the facade of the Jean Masson gymnasium which runs along the railway line. “This side of the building has been the subject of restoration work,” explains deputy mayor Paul Fournié. The initiator of the project, the artist Grégoire Romanet, explains his graphic gesture.

Balloons on 500 m² of facade

“The fresco is called “Multiballe”. I proposed it to the City as part of a competition for the graphic route. The latter was organized in 2021 by the Chaumont cultural seasons,” he indicates. No less than sixty artists from France and Europe applied.

“For Chaumont and its Jean Masson gymnasium, a true symbol of Chaumont Volleyball, I imagined 690 balls, all different, which come, like a wallpaper pattern, to cover one of the facades. In total, it’s 500 m2 exterior face painted in 8 colors with cut-out paper patterns.

To design this project, the artist received help from Clément Dengremont during an internship at his workshop. Through different artistic modules, no less than 150 inhabitants, residents of the Jacques Weil EHPAD, children, parents and even students from the Lycée de Gaulle, who contributed to this work by creating more than 200 balloons.

“They come to vibrate on the facade of the gymnasium, in the heart of the city and a stone’s throw from the Sign. A night light, with a design created by a child from Chaumont, will illuminate every evening, faithful to the appointment, like a moon. On the fresco, on the gymnasium, on the city, on each and every one and perhaps beyond. Who knows ? a message of sweetness sent to heaven? Batman couldn’t have done better. A ball. Rebound. Joy. »

Three years of work for a fresco

Marked by numerous stages (concept, workshops, post-production, etc.), the fresco was finally finalized, three years after the launch of the competition.

“For the last stage, I received help from a great team: Maëlle Joly, Marine Dillard, Martin Maniez, Sidney Goyvaertz and Anne-Sophie Raimond. The ratio technique worked well and despite certain difficulties due to the high roughness of the walls, we completed the work. It’s a source of pride for us.” In her speech, Mayor Christine Guillemy thanks Grégoire Romanet for its achievement: “It respects the spirit of this legendary building and that of the City. It brings color back to our community.”

Corentin Gouriou

  • A night light, with a pattern created by a child from Chaumont (left).


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