The Brin de Campagne boutique closes its doors after 16 years of activity

The Brin de Campagne boutique closes its doors after 16 years of activity
The Brin de Campagne boutique closes its doors after 16 years of activity

Present in Chaumont for sixteen years, the Brin de Campagne boutique will permanently close on Saturday June 22. One of the managers explains this decision.

Located on Ashton-Under-Lyne Avenue, Brin de Campagne will permanently close on Saturday June 22. “A decision taken due to an unfavorable economic context,” declares co-manager Loïc Moscato. “We suffered the full brunt of the yellow vest crisis, the Lidl work then the Covid health crisis and finally the inflation of raw materials. The turnover has gradually decreased, but not the expenses. » All these elements sounded the death knell for this store established in Chaumont for sixteen years.

A legal recovery in March for Brin de Campagne

“Last March, we tried to straighten out the structure, but there was nothing that could be done. Our fate was sealed. We left a lot of money. We almost risked the future of our farms. We had to make a choice, either close the store or lose everything (operation and store). » The choice was quickly made. Loïc Moscato will return full-time to the uniform of farm manager in Dancevoir. The co-manager asks himself a question: “What is the place of craftsmanship in Chaumont when we facilitate the arrival of large brands? »

A surprised customer

Coming to do her shopping, Christine learned from an employee that the Brin de Campagne boutique was closing. “Before arriving at the store, I didn’t know it was going to close. I don’t come every day, but I come regularly. When it comes to meats, I have always favored artisan butchers. I find it unfortunate that in Chaumont, we are losing a food shop. I hope it will be taken up,” she explains. The latter questions the impact of the establishment of Esprit paysan. An employee concludes: “Their arrival has had no impact on our activity.”



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