Legislative elections in Flanders: Pierrick Berteloot (RN) relies on his record to achieve victory

Legislative elections in Flanders: Pierrick Berteloot (RN) relies on his record to achieve victory
Legislative elections in Flanders: Pierrick Berteloot (RN) relies on his record to achieve victory

Presence on the ground as a standard

To Valentin Belleval, Jean-Pierre Bataille’s deputy who criticizes him for not “ report to no one » or to Emilie Ducourant who judges a mandate “ with just smiles for the photo », Pierrick Berteloot proudly displays his movements on the ground: “ I was in Merville and Haverskerque during the floods, I am in contact with the population and I find it totally disrespectful to criticize me for that! »

His team has handled 600 files over the past two years with a few victories: “ When people come to see me, it is as a last resort, administrations are often a real maze in which people get lost. » And the candidate cites a young person looking for work, a child with a disability who could not go to school, an Iranian who had to redo his papers to keep his driving license…

Laws and amendments in Paris

Since his election, Pierrick Berteloot has made four legislative proposals: one to allow municipalities to receive 100% subsidies whereas today they are limited to 75%, one for “the reuse of treated wastewater within establishments schools”, one inspired by his activity in the merchant navy aimed “to fight against social dumping for sailors sailing on the Trans-Channel” and finally, a law, the only one to have been voted with the France Insoumise group, for “ better compensate owners of houses cracked by episodes of drought due to natural disasters.”

The young man is one of the most diligent at the Bourbon Palace with 156 interventions in committees or in sessions, 264 proposed amendments, 8,333 signed, 59 written questions and a report on the circular economy.

His fights for the constituency

Pierrick Berteloot, upon his election, warned about the situation of pig breeders. He also tried, in vain, to cancel a provision leading to a loss of subsidy for the municipalities of Noordpeene and Buysscheure, mobilized against the class closures of Vieux-Berquin, Borre, Bailleul but also against the closure of the Steenbecque retirement home or even against the ban on phytosanitary products for endives and beets.

Pierrick Berteloot kept Pascal Prince as substitute, as in 2022.

Criticism of his opponents

The RN candidate describes the new popular front as “ nauseating alliance with sectarian people » and accuses Emilie Ducourant of wanting “ a punitive ecology “. For the duo Jean-Pierre Bataille and Valentin Belleval, who represent the right in the legislative elections, Pierrick Berteloot points out “ a man who does not accept his label » for the first and “ a mayor, president of the agglomeration and vice-president of the Department who never responds to my letters and never invites me out of sectarianism or ideology » for the second.

He lives in Tourcoing

Once elected, in 2022, Pierrick Berteloot announced, without being asked, that he was going to settle in a town in the constituency. Two years later, he still lives in Tourcoing, “ which is practical for going to the Region or Paris » but he did not give up on his project: “ I regularly look at properties for sale, but it’s expensive… »

When he thought of distancing himself from the RN

At the Agricultural Show, Pierrick Berteloot is not in the photos with the leaders of the far-right party. He went to a meeting but plays no role in the North or at the national level within the RN. He even wanted to be “related to the RN” in the Assembly, to distance himself: “ At the end of my life, I was not in agreement with my group, I received the assurance that I had the freedom to vote for and that convinced me to stay. »

Employees become activists

A dissolution means that the deputy immediately loses his position but also his team: “ I gathered everyone together Sunday eveningsays Pierrick Berteloot, and I announced that they were all fired but that if I won, they would be brought back whether they ran my campaign or not. » And the next day, the entire team agreed to campaign for the RN candidate. As for the premises, it is no longer financed by the money paid to the MP but the rental is included in the campaign accounts: “ Fortunately, I have my father who supports me financially », Specified the candidate.



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