Ain: Oyonnax rugby maintains its objectives

Ain: Oyonnax rugby maintains its objectives
Ain: Oyonnax rugby maintains its objectives

Despite a descent to Pro D2 next year, the club continues to structure itself and develop.

«We have been registering for 3 years, in a process of building the club which continues, mehme if the descent slows us down a littlesays the president of Oyonnax Rugby, Dougal Bendjaballah, when taking stock of the season. We continue to invest in the players and the structure of the club. Our mistake was to only plan one year in advance, we should have planned two. A united group is good, but it is no longer enough to maintain itself. We missed the individualities that make the difference. With €17 million Last year, Oyonnax had the last budget in the Top 14, compared to €47 million for the first. When we win against La Rochelle, we win against a club which has a budget three times greater than ours. But, we could have the best financial result. We go down with a positive balance sheet which gives us the means to go back up. The humility that we must display is not limited to the sporting field. It also concerns management.»

For this season, Oyonnax Rugby is counting on a budget of €14 million and expects to be in losses, to record more expenses than revenues, particularly with a payroll of €5 million, “the most important one we will ever have in Pro D2”, according to general manager Grégory Di Marco.

“But this will not affect our own funds which are among the first in the Top 14 and in Pro D2,” he assures. And to anticipate, in addition to the reduction in TV rights, less ticketing, “even if attendance will undoubtedly be very good. We broke an attendance record last year, with 9,000 spectators per match, on average, and an occupancy rate of 92%.”

The number of partners (increased from 350 to 500 last year, bringing the total support to 700, with patrons) should also be down slightly, even if the club knows it can count on a loyal base . “Some have been following us for 20 years,” underlines Grégory Di Marco. And the club is working to expand this base (read below).

«We profitedIt is of each mountainIt ise to structure the club», recalls Dougal Bendjaballah. The Salon Parc des Oiseaux, opened on November 18 at the Mathon stadium, is such a success that the investment (€2 million) has already practically been amortized. And the developments will continue. In particular, there is talk of Haut-Bugey Agglomération buying the Le Macretet hotel in Arbent, to let it be operated by the club. «It will be a living space that will allow It isexchanges with our communityIt is partners and supporters», describes the president. Enough to further advance hospitality.

A partnership with Erreà

Oyonnax Rugby has just announced a «major partnership» with the Italian sportswear brand Erreà, which will become its new equipment supplier until 2027. This announcement is part of a strategy which aims to develop the economic base of the club, particularly geographically.

Eighteen clubs are now partners of Oyo’Sphere. And not only in Ain or the bordering departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie, Jura and Doubs. It extends its influence to Strasbourg Alsace Rugby (Bas-Rhin) and Havre Athletic Club Rugby (Seine-Maritime).

«Il you have to sow a long time to hopeIt isrer rIt isharvest the fruitcomments Dougal Bendjaballah. Customers expect a return on investment from their presence on the jersey. Before a Strasbourg partner agrees to join us, you must meet them regularly. But, it’s starting to take hold. Our ambitions for private partnerships have never been higher. »

Sébastien Jacquart



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