Music teacher and former school principal arrested for sexual exploitation

Lyne Genest is an important figure in the musical community of Granby where she is choir director of the Ensemble Vocal Plus, co-director of the Petits chanters de Granby and founder of the Lumina chamber choir.

His first court appearance took place on May 16 at the Granby courthouse. She was not detained and pleaded not guilty.

She is accused of having “for sexual purposes, touched a part of the body” of a teenager with whom she was “in a position of authority or trust”, indicates the judicial denunciation.


Lyne Genest in rehearsal with the Ensemble Vocal Plus. (Stephane Champagne/Archives La Voix de l’Est)

The alleged offense allegedly took place between September 1, 1991 and March 31, 1992, in Granby.

Under the Criminal Code, this crime is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Lyne Genest, who has no criminal record, did not call back The Voice of the East.

The Val-des-Cerfs School Service Center, of which the Massey-Vanier school is a part, mentions that Ms. Genest was only employed by it from 2016 to 2021.


At Ensemble Vocal Plus, president Cécile Ménard says she has not heard of the accusation filed against her choir director.

Same astonishment on the part of the Petits chanters de Granby. Asked about Ms. Genest’s future within this organization, secretary Guillaume Petit indicates that he “will have to discuss it with the board of directors.”

According to a biography published online, Lyne Genest was first a musician in various ensembles before becoming a teacher and conductor.

She has a bachelor’s degree in music and dance teaching and a second in trumpet performance.

She founded the music concentration at the Mont-Sacré-Cœur private college, still in Granby, where she directed the Youth Harmony before making the jump to the Massey-Vanier Music Academy.


The Granby Youth Harmony in rehearsal with Lyne Genest. (Provided)

Ms. Genest also directed the Diocesan Choir of Saint-Hyacinthe and the Montreal Choir. She participated in the creation of several musical comedies.

His case must return to court on July 4 for further legal proceedings.

She is represented by Me Célina St-François, while Me Chloé Mongeau, from the public prosecutor’s office, is handling the prosecution.



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