With Cheval 2 Trois, the song brings poetry into the air

With Cheval 2 Trois, the song brings poetry into the air
With Cheval 2 Trois, the song brings poetry into the air

“We caught the virus!” The duo Cheval 2 Trois, based in Saint-Laurent-la-Vernède and organizer via the Chansonyme association of the Tave festival, is setting off again on the Avignon festival adventure, after a first participation last year with their creation, the show Let’s sing the poets! In the meantime, the show has been labeled by the Printemps des poètes, it has been performed around thirty times in total (in Vaison-la-Romaine, in Sète, in Lozère, etc.) and has been enriched in terms of scenography and thanks to a new song composed by Benoît Marc, on the theme of grace. In August, it will shine in the mountains, in Briançonnais. There are “always two voices, a guitar, a ukulele and percussion. We recite and sing the great poets. We question the marriage between words and notes, this mystery: why do we sing?shares Benoît Marc. Where the poets stop, the song takes over and colors the words. The poet puts us on our knees, our heads in our hands, and the song picks us up and makes us dance, or as Prévert wrote: “ The song brings poetry into the air. “That’s what we do!” with the staging and music of texts by Paul Valéry, Baudelaire, Garcia Lorca, François Villon… These enthusiasts of French poetry and song wish to share this reflection on the relationship between words and notes. “We start by distributing a grisette de Montpellier (candy) so that they all have the same taste in their mouths, just as they will have the same notes in their ears and the same images in their eyes.”

From Bagnols to Avignon, singing on the train!

As for the Avignon marathon, the first stressful experience turns into serenity. Benoît Marc praises the reopening of the Bagnols train station, “It’s great, we took it for every performance last year, and we’re going to do the same. We’ll make the trip (around 10 a.m.) with the spectators and we’ll sing on the train!” Playing every other day allows “to keep with the fishing”. On Thursday evening, the duo made informed arrangements for the display. They are also taking part in the big parade on July 2. Financially, not paying for accommodation, “we limit the damage” .And the joy of experiencing the madness of the festival, with ten artists at the m2that “gift”.

“Let’s sing the poets”, at 3 p.m., from July 4 to 20, even days only, at the Théâtre de l’Ambigu. Prices: €10, €14, €20.
Reservations: 06 15 76 58 89.


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