grills, homemade jam, friends for life… This resident of Clisson welcomes 20 festival-goers to his home

grills, homemade jam, friends for life… This resident of Clisson welcomes 20 festival-goers to his home
grills, homemade jam, friends for life… This resident of Clisson welcomes 20 festival-goers to his home

Philippe Douillard is a resident of Clisson whose life is closely linked to Hellfest. Since 2014, this volunteer has welcomed around twenty festival-goers into his house and garden each year, creating a real family of hearts around the event.

Philou is Philippe Douillard, 60 years old, in a relationship with Géraldine, nicknamed “Hellfest mom” by festival-goers. Philippe is a native of the country who lives in Clisson, a small town of 7,500 inhabitants normally, 240,000 visitors during the festival

Géraldine and Philippe Douillard

© France 3 Pays de la Loire

At the very beginning, in 2006, the 22,000 spectators were not yet looking for a place to sleep. at all costs.

This horde of black-clad men did not yet reassure the inhabitants of Clisson. But quite quickly, as the editions continued and grew, many inhabitants like Philippe got into the game, and decided to welcome these merry pranksters with their false threatening appearance.

From the first editions, Philippe’s father, then 80 years old, did not hesitate to open his garden to these forty-somethings. These fathers and mothers who seek to pitch their tent in order to recover from a saving sleep, soaked in music for a whole day.

He who had managed at the Clisson football club a young kid under 15 with the sweet name of Benjamin Barbaud, could not do anything other than invest in the festival that the latter had created.

duration of video: 00h01mn43s

Since 2014, Philippe Douillard has welcomed around twenty festival-goers into his house and garden every year.

©france 3 Pays de la Loire

So it was in 2014, after doing a little volunteering for the festival, that our local Philou took the plunge into hospitality.

The first time went really well, the confidence was such that I could only continue

Philippe knew nothing about this music. He had been brought up on rock and disco, dancing in a local nightclub, known nationally thanks to Philippe Katerine’s hit: Le Louxor.

But by hanging around these metal aficionados, he began to appreciate their music. And like an echo, he also quickly loved those who listened to him.

People come from everywhere, even from Canada, to stay with Philippe and Géraldine.

© France 3 Pays de la Loire

For 9 years, its two rooms and its 2,500 m² of land have become a haven of happiness for the twenty festival-goers it welcomes. The tents are sheltered from the heat under the trees and the good mood is always present.

The tent canvases are well protected from the heat at Philippe’s

© France 3 Pays de la Loire

The only bathroom in the house is always full from morning to night, but there is no need for a schedule, everyone ends up there, in a joyful collective turnover, and depending on when everyone wakes up.

Philippe’s house is also a bit like theirs, trust is so high that he leaves the keys available.

Every year, Philou makes a point of gathering his festival friends. Like a tribal ritual, they meet on Saturday lunchtime around a huge barbecue in the garden. They all bring some local food to feast on.

The ritual of grilling on Saturday lunchtime during the Hellfest festival

© Philippe Douillard

For some time now, it has always been the same regulars who return every year. They are between 30 and 50 years old. The age difference does not prevent sharing, and particularly Philippe’s homemade jam. Here everything exudes happiness and joy of living.

Over time, whether they are from Dunkirk, Brittany or Eure-et-Loire, they have become more than “buddies for a day,” they are friends today.

Since 2022, during the double edition, a messenger group the “Dourie Crew” has been created in order to stay in touch throughout the year.

Geraldine and a festival goer washing dishes. Everyone contributes.

© France 3 Pays de la Loire

Last April, Philippe and Géraldine left their town to join one of the couples who usually camp at their place. Direction Bergue in the North. The bonds are such that they even met their parents in Dordogne. It is a real family that has been created, weaving human and musical bonds that transcend the borders of the festival.

Festival-goers have been coming back to Philippe for years

© France 3 Pays de la Loire

And speaking of family, Philippe has since dragged his son into volunteering at the festival. Clissonnais from father to son, but also Hellmembers from father to son. A affiliation that goes beyond the family framework in a long common throat song.

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