Growing American museums

Growing American museums
Growing American museums

The museum sector in the United States, like that in Canada, is experiencing a period of remarkable growth. New expansion projects are underway at several contemporary art institutions.

From New York to Los Angeles, seven long-established fine arts institutions and five relatively new art museums are engaged in a construction race, costing more than $2 billion and approaching 100 000 m². The Broad in Los Angeles, founded barely nine years ago and which is embarking on a project worth more than $100 million, is part of this boom, as is the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville in the Arkansas, which is increasing its exhibition space by 50%. In New York, in Manhattan alone, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Studio Museum in Harlem, the New Museum on the Lower East Side and the Frick Collection, installed in Henry Clay Frick’s grand mansion on Fifth Avenue, are also the subject of enormous expansion projects. Even university art museums, such as the Princeton University Art Museum, are spending large sums of money to expand their facilities. “This speaks to the interest of these museums, their needs and the imperative to serve their communities with 21st century installations.e century “considers Stephan Jost, president of…

