Who is Artus, the jack-of-all-trades comedian who became king of the box office with his film “Un p’tit truc en plus” with five million spectators

Who is Artus, the jack-of-all-trades comedian who became king of the box office with his film “Un p’tit truc en plus” with five million spectators
Who is Artus, the jack-of-all-trades comedian who became king of the box office with his film “Un p’tit truc en plus” with five million spectators

Cooking studies

Real name Victor-Artus Solaro, Artus grew up in Hérault, south of France, with dreams of cinema in his head. Out of pragmatism and because he evolves far from the world of the stage and the 7th art, he is moving towards a professional cooking baccalaureate, “to have a real job”.

A few years later, he was caught up in his comic streak and enrolled at the Cours Florent in Paris, which he followed for several months. An experience which he would say on numerous occasions that it “didn’t suit him”, the comedian explaining that he didn’t feel in his place there.

In July 2011, encouraged by his parents who paid for the venue, he performed at the Off d’Avignon with his show “Va play on the highway”. Among the forty spectators, the assistant of the successful host Laurent Ruquier…

Spotted by Ruquier

Presence on stage, worked verve: Ruquier and his team see the potential of this young shoot who is just waiting to prove himself. He joins the show “On ne ask que à en riz” on France 2. It gives pride of place to comedians still unknown to the general public who are then rated by a jury and the public.

If the competition is fierce, Artus very quickly finds its place. The show will be the springboard he had never dared hope for. He remained there until the end, in 2014. At the same time, he began performing shows and went on several tours throughout France. His one man show “Artus de A à S” is a success.

Each time, the tone is provocative, even insolent. On social networks, it is his character Sylvain, a young man with Down syndrome, who is a hit. His sketch on disabled sports (9.5 million views on YouTube) is one of those that made him famous. Anguished by nature, as he has said on several occasions, he used humor as a weapon to play down the drama.

Dancer, presenter, actor…

Well established in the landscape of humor, Artus will gradually move towards other registers.

From a participation in the show “Dancing with the Stars” in 2016 (where he finished third) to another, the same year, in the first season of “Best Pastry Chef”, including hosting in 2019 of the Netflix show “It’s a piece of cake”, Artus has all the experiences.

Anyone who defines themselves as a workaholic doesn’t forget the film sets. In 2017, a small role but a big victory: the public found him in the guise of Jonas Maury, a (slightly nerdy) analyst in the successful French series “Le Bureau des Légendes”. Victory because it is his first role in a non-comic register.

Other roles, often modest, in the cinema will follow. As in “Bernadette”, a false biopic on the former First Lady Bernadette Chirac, released in the fall of 2023. As for the stage, which he has never really left, he will return to it at the end of September at the Edouard VII theater in Paris with “Artus One man show”.

