The Aspres. Students created a book with an author-illustrator

The Aspres. Students created a book with an author-illustrator
The Aspres. Students created a book with an author-illustrator

On Friday, after school, parents were invited to visit their children’s exhibition. This exhibition presented the work carried out throughout the school year with the author-illustrator Alain Chiche.

The project consisted of producing one book per class level. The author spoke for five days at the school where he presented his world through his books and songs. He made a drawing in front of the children on the theme “around the gardens” because the children, every week, go to the school garden where there is a vegetable garden where they have sown flowers.

The artist, during his interventions, collected the children’s words and speeches and then produced his writing work which he presented to the children. He came to draw the boards and the children made drawings in Indian ink.

The final project consisted of the creation of a book per class level and this project was able to see the light of day, as part of the artistic and cultural education course. He was able to benefit from a subsidy from National Education and the support of the parents’ association.

On Friday evening, each child left with their book signed by Alain Chiche, author-illustrator of L’Aigle. This project was followed by Suzanne Lepetit from the senior section and by Cécile Lupersat from the junior and senior sections.



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