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“The style a little more sneaky”: Cyril Hanouna tackles Léa Salamé in TPMP (VIDEO)

“The style a little more sneaky”: Cyril Hanouna tackles Léa Salamé in TPMP (VIDEO)
“The style a little more sneaky”: Cyril Hanouna tackles Léa Salamé in TPMP (VIDEO)

An outing that did not go unnoticed. On September 22, What an era! made her return to 2. Among the guests, journalist Sonia Mabrouk gave her feelings about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which made the hosts Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne raise eyebrows.

Sonia Mabrouk looks back on the opening ceremony of the Olympics

“I have questions. I don’t have a conservative vision at all, nor nostalgia. What bothered me a little sometimes is that I think that with everything we have like monuments, everything we have as a past, as a heritage, we could still have not exalted it, I am not in the exaltation…”. The one who just published the book What if tomorrow everything was reversed continued: “But we could have contributed to, how shall I put it, instilled a little more pride given this heritage. I like a word, I said earlier pleasure, beauty. It was very beautiful! We could have – and it’s easy for you to say it from my place here – but I think that this beauty which is historical, which is heritage, is also our national pride.

Cyril Hanouna attacks Léa Salamé

This Thursday, September 26, Sonia Mabrouk was invited to the set of Don’t touch my post! on C8. The columnist Guillaume Genton asked her how she had experienced this passage to What an era!. “It’s our job. I find that when there is confrontation, it is also a kind of emulation. I don’t see it as aggression and defiance.“, indicated Sonia Mabrouk. “I have a lot of admiration for Léa, I find that she is a talented presenter and journalist… On the other hand Christophe Dechavanne, yes it’s true there was a sort of Pavlovian reflex, everything must be like that because that we think so and that’s quite unpleasant“, she added.

Cyril Hanouna then took the opportunity to bounce back by finding mitigating circumstances in Christophe Dechavanne and slipping a tackle into Léa Salamé, whom he regularly scratches in TPMP. “He’s a bit like me, Christophe, he’s more inward, talkative. I prefer Christophe Dechavanne who says things in front rather than the slightly more sneaky style…“The main interested party will appreciate…



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