Mario Dumont’s glances at Pablo Rodriguez steal the show at Tout le monde en parle

It was the first show of the 21st show of Tout le monde en parle, Sunday evening, and we were treated to an evening as we like them, during which we went from professional sport to culture, via politics, with prominent guests who have made their mark on the news in recent days.

Guy A. Lepage was faithful to his post and it was the excellent Alexandre Barrette who was at his side as co-host to welcome Martin St-Louis, Margaret Bélanger, Mario Dumont, Pablo Rodriguez, Josée Blanchette, Alain Champagne and Robin-Joël Cool.

The most anticipated interview was probably that of Pablo Rodriguez, who announced in recent days that he was giving up his position as Minister of Transport and Quebec lieutenant in Justin Trudeau’s government to enter the race for the leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party.

The member for Honoré-Mercier, on the east side of the island of Montreal, gave one of the most important interviews of his political career because even though he enjoys considerable notoriety after having held important positions (government whip, Minister of Heritage, Minister of Transport, Quebec lieutenant, etc.), Quebecers do not know him that well.

Not enough, in any case, to determine if he has the makings of a future premier of Quebec. Because by launching himself into the race for the leadership of the PLQ, Pablo Rodriguez aspires to one day replace François Legault. But of course, with the current state of the Liberal Party, let’s just say that there is a long way to go before we think of ever getting there.

This is why the interview granted Sunday evening was so anticipated and we must say that the 57-year-old man did rather well. Without hitting a home run, he answered the difficult questions and presented himself as a qualified, serious and credible candidate who understands the work to be done at the PLQ to eventually aspire to power again, particularly to reconnect with the French-speaking electorate and in the regions.

But what stole the show for many viewers was the look from Mario Dumont, sitting right next to him, during the interview.

Mario Dumont's glances at Pablo Rodriguez steal the show at Tout le monde en parle

With his legendary pout, the star host and new morning man of QUB Radio did not always seem impressed by Pablo Rodriguez’s answers.

Here are some comments left on social media about this:

Mario Dumont's glances at Pablo Rodriguez steal the show at Tout le monde en parle
Mario Dumont's glances at Pablo Rodriguez steal the show at Tout le monde en parle
Mario Dumont's glances at Pablo Rodriguez steal the show at Tout le monde en parle

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