Manuela, in tears, disillusioned before her speed dating in “Love is in the meadow”

Manuela, in tears, disillusioned before her speed dating in “Love is in the meadow”
Manuela, in tears, disillusioned before her speed dating in “Love is in the meadow”

Opening the mail did not go as planned for the former notary, now a breeder of ornamental chickens. This step brought back traumas from her past.

The 19th season of “Love is in the meadow” has been in full swing for almost a month, and the meetings between farmers and suitors continue. This Monday, September 23, it was the turn of the ornamental chicken breeder, Manuela, to take part in the unmissable stage of speed dating on the Parisian barge.

But, before finding her face to face with the men she had chosen, viewers were able to discover the opening of the letters addressed to her. And if the first few minutes went off without a hitch and with a touch of humor, she quickly got scared. The henhouse started to burst out laughing at the work of one of her suitors, who was visibly sentimental. On a black background, he had placed heart-shaped post-its to write sweet words on. “Your eyes are so beautiful I could stare at them all day long.”she said, her tone mocking. And she continued, a fixed smile: “Ooh! We’re not there yet.”.

Also read“The girls suffered”: Karine Le Marchand reveals the existence of relationships between candidates of “Love is in the meadow”

“I can’t get out of it”

Kind but frightened, she tried to justify the situation. “I think he really meant well because the words are pretty and everything. But then, my wild side takes over.”she confessed, adding: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. And the disappointments continued as he opened another letter. Here, the man wished “discover it a little more every day in order to [s]’to water again and again with everything that emanates from[elle]». And these words act in the opposite way to the intended effect. “It’s nicely written but it’s the kind of thing that scares me actually. It could quickly uh…”she confided without finishing her sentence. And then the last letter came as the final blow. The suitor who promised her “full of tenderness» ultimately left her speechless and… unmoved. “I don’t know what to say. I’m harsh. I think it’s complicated for everyone to flirt with Manuela with a letter.”she said ironically, genuinely sorry.

So confused that her chain reactions made her question herself. “The opening of the mail reflects who I am, that is to say that I have a lot of trouble giving the product a chance. All the mail was kind and really nice.”she admitted, overcome with emotion. “But actually, trusting scares me. I realize that I can’t get out of this stupid way of working.”she delivered in tears. After rereading her letters, she finally decided to give four men a chance.



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