My dust is the gold of time. Autobiography of The Library collected and edited by Lucien X. Polastron, user

My dust is the gold of time. Autobiography of The Library collected and edited by Lucien X. Polastron, user
My dust is the gold of time. Autobiography of The Library collected and edited by Lucien X. Polastron, user

Lucien ‘acquire, classify and surround yourself with more or less fifteen thousand volumes, still counting as they say at the British Library. Nor to publish Books on fire. History of the endless destruction of librariesfollowed in 2006 by La Great Digitization. Is there a thought after the paper? and finally A Brief History of All Books.

He would not have gone any further if, throughout his wanderings in the labyrinth of catalogs and shelves of the world, he had not heard a whisper, the same and increasingly loud, which turned out to be the monologue of The Library, one and indivisible, a sort of genius of the place, always wishing to tell its centuries-old life story to someone who would finally listen. This is how he can now bring back the memories, pride, anger and bursts of humor of the one he rightly considers to be the best friend of humankind.

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Born in 1944 in Gascony, Lucien Xavier Polastron has a background in classics and a dual career as a cultural reporter and writer (essayist). Specializing in architecture, book arts and natural philosophy, he has published sixteen authoritative works. His story of the endless destruction of libraries (Books on Fire, 2004 and 2009) made him known to the general public. My dust is the gold of time is the sequel. He also published Philosophia Naturalis with Klincksieck.

Table of contents

At the beginning
What is hard
The making of knowledge
Twenty standard-size sheets
Like a rider taps
Finesse and quality
Whatever the race
Not having fiber

The high law of their existence
How the monstrous jumble
Worthy crimes
So, over and over again
We clearly smell

Think / Classify / Think / Reclassify
The first proven catalog
When the great commotion
The most stubborn
Following him
Son of a rich financier
In the privacy of home
The microcosm of the file
What is now unthinkable

Treasure of lists
Nicholas V
Lists for Doucet
The Norwegian and the others

Of my first establishments
أم كل المكتبات
New parent library?
Greek pottery
So Julius Caesar
The poet Mani
“Pray, work and read!” »
Alkwin, Albinus known as Alcuin
This is how my collections
The extended priesthood
The abbey-school-scriptorium
A favorite
And Guillaume Budé, then?
I owe to Constantine I

From my novice establishments
Overall the XVe century
Everyone knows, I hope
It’s not just the Inquisition
Scholar and librarian, famous
First application
Back in power
The planners
All splendor
table of chapters and sections
Generally speaking

Of my ultimate establishments
Andrew Carnegie, too
The customary pomp
My millennia-old experience
The shape of a building
A double in the end
The intelligence of ancient places
Instead of sending him to prison

The all-ghost and beyond
Ghost and library
Even more livid
The whiter white

Beati pauperes in spiritu
Censorship is an art
The face even more hideous
Apocalypse of Anastasia
And what existence is more to be pitied
Suddenly at the turn of the year
The fashionable disease
The State, therefore in
So the Library?
Public millefeuille
Let her be a chicken
It is common to read

Zero is the finite One



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