ASSE – “This is a decision taken at club level”: Olivier Dall’Oglio speaks on a possible reinforcement

ASSE – “This is a decision taken at club level”: Olivier Dall’Oglio speaks on a possible reinforcement
ASSE – “This is a decision taken at club level”: Olivier Dall’Oglio speaks on a possible reinforcement

After the memorable slap suffered by (0-8), ASSE will inevitably be expected around the corner this Sunday in during the 6th day of Ligue 1. Before this meeting, the coach Olivier Dall’Oglio spoke at a press conference. Asked about the possible arrival of a joker to strengthen the squad and in particular in the full-back position targeted by injuries (Maçon, Cornud, etc.), the coach was clear on this subject.

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“Recruiting a wildcard is not the question of the day, we have a group and we are working with it. This is a decision taken at club level, it was decided like that. I don’t have all the strings either. The decision was made not to recruit and we must find solutions. We’ll find some, there’s no problem. We will find solutions. It is a mission that must be maintained until the end. A difficult mission at the start, but the team must move forward and the team will inevitably progress. To what level will she progress? I don’t know. We have interesting young players who will come into their own, even if for these players coming from abroad, everything is not easy at the moment. In the past, even good ASSE players from abroad did not perform well when they arrived. »

Photo Daniel Derajinski/Icon Sport



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