the French react to the choice of the FFR

the French react to the choice of the FFR
the French react to the choice of the FFR

Zapping Fifteen World 6 Nations Calendar 2024

Hugo Auradou played his second Top 14 match of the season on Saturday. Established for the reception of at Hameau, the second row had also been on the trip from to last weekend, and it was then the first time that he set foot on a field again, as a professional player , since his indictment for aggravated gang rape at the beginning of last July. Oscar Jégou, for his part, has not yet returned to the field.

If their return to the club is obviously possible (nothing legally prohibits it, moreover), as far as the French team is concerned, it’s another story. Jean-Marc Lhermet, vice-president of the FFR in charge of high level, clearly said that without an official dismissal, the return of the two rugby players to the group would not even be considered. This dismissal was approved by the prosecutors in charge of the case, but must now be confirmed, or not, by a judge during a hearing set for October 18 (and maintained after the courts rejected the recent medical report lawyers for the plaintiff who claims that the latter does not suffer from any bleeding disorder).

This decision by the French Rugby Federation concerning the international careers of Jégou and Auradou is visibly shared by public opinion. Our colleagues from Le Parisien reveal that, according to an Odoxa survey for Winamax and RTL, 68% of French people surveyed (i.e. 1002 people including 407 rugby fans) also believe that a return to the French team should not take place without an official dismissal. On the other hand, 56% of participants said they were in favor of the return of Hugo Auradou with Paubecause he “must be considered innocent since he was not found guilty” (this percentage rises to 67% for the 407 rugby fans).

The image of rugby significantly deteriorated after the summer of 2024

The people interviewed also expressed their feelings about the image of rugby after these various summer affairs. And there, the figures are not very glorious: for 51% of participants, these affairs have damaged their image of rugby. For 28% even, recent affairs would make them less inclined to play rugby or have their child play it. Another point on which the French seem to follow the FFR: the measures which could now be applied to supervise the gatherings of the Blues (7 to 9 people out of 10 are in favor).

To summarize

Hugo Auradou played his second match of the season on Saturday. In an Odoxa survey, the French gave their opinion on Pau’s choice to replay the second row. They also spoke about the international future of Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou.



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