Strike of Keolis bus drivers in Oise, here are the times of the disruptions

Strike of Keolis bus drivers in Oise, here are the times of the disruptions
Strike of Keolis bus drivers in Oise, here are the times of the disruptions


Adrien Deschepper

Published on

Oct 13, 2024 at 7:02 a.m.

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Some buses may not pass through the Oise this week! From Monday October 14, 2024, many network bus drivers Keolis should stop work to carry out a protest movementat the initiative of the Sud-Solidaires union.

Until next Friday, drivers have decided not to drive buses between 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., except on Wednesday October 16, from 12 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The buses concerned should, however, run well in the morning.

“The lines risk being disrupted”

“Due to a social movement, the lines risk being disrupted (Réseaux Oise, tom, DUC, YOU, HoplaLa Navette) from Monday October 14, 2024 until October 18, 2024 inclusive, in the afternoon and Wednesday from 12 p.m.,” indicates Keolis Oise on its website.

Several towns would be affected, such as Pont-Sainte-Maxence, Chantilly, Senlis and Estrées-Saint-Denis.

Traffic forecasts will be available the day before the impacted day.

Keolis Oise

For its part, the union which is calling for the strike justifies this movement with several demands, in particular salaries.

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Bus drivers want raises

He denounces in particular “the deterioration of our working conditions” and calls for “an increase in the hourly rate of 5% with retroactive effect for all employees following the failure of the NAO (mandatory annual negotiation)”.

For months, our management has turned a deaf ear to our demands. For our bosses, the coffers are empty (…). But as we have demonstrated, Keolis’ financial situation brings in a lot of money: +6.6% turnover to 7 billion euros.

Sud-Solidaires Keolis Oise

Through its union representative, Soumaila Camara, Sud-Solidaires is also asking for an “increase in the urban bonus” as well as a “value sharing bonus of 1,000 euros for all employees”.

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