CMC publishes a special on economic transformation

CMC publishes a special on economic transformation
CMC publishes a special on economic transformation

Friday, June 28, 2024 at 3:49 PM

Casablanca – The Moroccan Economic Outlook Center (CMC) has announced the publication of its recent monthly publication “Maroc Conjoncture” n°369 which is a special issue on “Economic transformation: What jobs for tomorrow?”.

This special is structured around several axes, notably on “Global economy: The beginning of a recovery but the risks are numerous”, “2024 Budget: The difficult trade-offs between supporting activity and consolidating public accounts”, and “Foreign trade 2023-2024: Renewed dynamism of markets and signs of consolidation of external balances”, the CMC announced in a press release.

In this new issue, the Center highlights that cautious optimism characterizes the global economy, while growth, although moderate, is accelerating despite the effects of tightening monetary policies and the decline in inflation is faster than expected and the recovery is uneven.

He added that risks surrounding the outlook are more balanced but major concerns remain, noting that high geopolitical tensions, particularly in the Middle East, could disrupt energy markets.

Concerning the 2024 Budget, priority was first given to the reconstruction programs of the Al Haouz region, as well as to the establishment of the mechanisms necessary for the generalization of access to the social protection system.

At the same time, the budget provides for the strengthening of actions aimed at reviving activity through the revitalization of investments in the public sector and the improvement of the incentive framework and the business climate for private initiative, the publication specifies.

Regarding foreign trade for 2023-2024, the CMC specifies that the evolution of external accounts has been marked by consolidation for more than a year, despite an unstable economic context marked by weakening demand and persistent inflationary tensions.

According to the publication, the significant recovery in export-oriented activities, combined with the decline in main import items, has led to a clear improvement in the situation of external balances with a significant reduction in the trade deficit and a recovery in the rate. cover.

On the axis of investment and job creation in Morocco, improving the business climate and encouraging investment represent fundamental pillars for economic development, notes the CMC, noting that the Kingdom has made notable progress in these areas over the last two decades.

Regarding the typology of jobs in Morocco, the Center points out that the Moroccan economy, in constant evolution, finds itself at a crossroads where sectoral dynamics profoundly influence the typology of available jobs.

Economic transformation and efforts to diversify sources of growth have led to the emergence of new professions that require specific and advanced skills.



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