Ivory Coast: digitalization of drinking water and sanitation services | APAnews

Ivory Coast: digitalization of drinking water and sanitation services | APAnews
Ivory Coast: digitalization of drinking water and sanitation services | APAnews

The Water Distribution Company of Côte d’Ivoire (SODECI) has just received the Prize for the best company in the water and sanitation sector, at the 2024 edition of the Digital Awards called “B2B Digital Day 2024”.

In a context where African companies face unique challenges in terms of digitalization, SODECI demonstrates its commitment to integrating modern technologies to improve its services and strengthen its competitiveness.

This commitment was rewarded during its first participation in the B2B Digital Day 2024, where this company responsible for water distribution in Côte d’Ivoire won the Prize for the best company in the water and sanitation sector at the Digital Awards.

This event, which constitutes the main platform dedicated to the digital transformation of organizations operating in Côte d’Ivoire, took place on Saturday, June 14, 2024, attracting nearly 1,000 participants from various backgrounds.

The day before this Digital Awards ceremony, Wilfried Agneroh, the company’s Director of Transformation and Digital, shared the company’s perspectives and initiatives at a panel on the theme: “Facing transformation digital, the real challenges of African companies”.

Wilfried Agneroh highlighted the company’s efforts to integrate digital technologies to provide drinking water and sanitation services in a more efficient and innovative manner for the benefit of consumers.

During the panel, he highlighted the urgency and importance of digital transformation for a society, sharing that “for us, digital is like the bed of life.” It allows to efficiently improve services related to the distribution of drinking water.

He spoke about the need to adopt new ways of working and integrate innovative technologies to meet the growing needs of consumers. Sodeci has automated its bill payment processes through digital platforms.

In addition, the company has integrated advanced technologies into its processes, including “IoT” for water and sanitation management, key initiatives to satisfy a market that is increasingly demanding in terms of quality of services.

Mr. Agneroh also identified several major challenges for the digital transformation of an organization, including transversality and hierarchical culture. He stressed the importance of collaboration between the different departments of the company to improve collective performance.

“A transformation should not be just an incremental evolution,” he said, highlighting the awareness and the digital shift underway, today, within companies. Another challenge is risk-taking and the acceptance of failure.

In a sector as sensitive as water and sanitation, investments are closely linked to profits, and failure is not an option, he continued, while insisting that digital transformation must be carried out with a systemic approach.

The promoter of the event, Mr. Jean-Luc Gnakouri, praised the company’s innovation efforts, particularly in the digital field, to improve customer satisfaction and management of the water and sanitation network. .

These initiatives clearly demonstrate a clear commitment by the company to use digital technologies to respond to current and future challenges, he argued. The company has set up a digital platform called E-Agence, aimed at improving the customer experience and optimizing the management of its network.




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