Jordan Bardella presents “the recovery program” of the National Rally

Jordan Bardella presents “the recovery program” of the National Rally
Jordan Bardella presents “the recovery program” of the National Rally

The RN produced a 12-page document to specify the “emergency” and “reform” timetables.

After two weeks of vagueness, imprecision and fragmentary announcements distilled here and there, Jordan Bardella presented Monday the « recovery program » of the National Rally (RN). All this, in the presence of its champion, Marine Le Pen, “ natural candidate » for 2027, and his ally Éric Ciotti, contested president of the Republicans. In front of them, the nationalist, who is leading his camp’s campaign to enter Matignon in the event of victory in the legislative elections in two weeks, returned to his 12-page document distinguishing the ” emergency time ” of ” time of reforms “. With one big drawback, however: the total absence of quantification of new expenses or savings measures.

As it stands, the most detailed – and most pressing – part of the program focuses mainly on one short month, in July. If he obtains an absolute majority on July 7 and is subsequently named prime minister, Jordan Bardella wants an extraordinary parliamentary session to be organized to vote for a reduction in VAT on all energy products. A circular will be sent to the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) to check that the drop is « effective ». He also wants to renegotiate the rules for setting electricity prices at European level. The president of the RN also intends to vote on the reduction of employment-retirement combination schemes, and the abolition of tax on « activity income » retired doctors and nurses returning to service.


This summer convocation of Parliament will also serve, according to him, to have a bill on penal policy adopted: implementation “ minimum sentences for repeat offenders, attacks on people with a public service mission and drug trafficking »and a text on the suspension of family allowances « for parents of minor criminals or repeat offenders guilty of failure ». Without forgetting a major law on immigration, providing for the abolition of land rights, restriction of family reunification, end of AME for« life-saving emergency aid »facilitation of evictions and « return of the crime of illegal residence ». If he takes the helm of the government, Jordan Bardella wants a decree upon his arrival to cancel the unemployment insurance reform, and two ministerial circulars to strengthen functional protection for civil servants « attacked or threatened », and to hang « all regularizations of illegal immigrants by prefects ».


At the end of these « EMERGENCIES », the RN will be able to devote itself to its « reforms », whose timetable is much more imprecise. The first budget, expected in the fall, will serve as the first full-scale test for the party. Especially since the Lepenist strategists approach it by ensuring that they will not worsen the public accounts: in other words, that they will not let the debt or the deficits slip away. Hence the decision to « protect the budgetary trajectory of the military programming law », but also to lower production taxes. To know his room for maneuver, the boss of the RN is in fact counting on the « public accounts evaluation commission » that he wishes to launch. Fraud, especially social fraud, is currently at the heart of its strategy to save money: biometric Vitale card, control of social benefits or even easier access to the greatest number of files for social organizations.


On pensions, whose Lepenist project is not really aligned with that of Eric Ciotti – despite their ” alliance » -, Jordan Bardella wants to give priority to long careers from the fall. « French people who started working before 20 years and who justify 40 annuities, will be able to retire from 60 ans », he said. The rest of the reform, as proposed by Marine Le Pen in 2022, will possibly be implemented later.

In terms of announcements, it was mainly on the subject of education that Jordan Bardella addressed himself, with “ a big bang of authority » providing for the ban on mobile phones in middle and high schools, the « vouching » compulsory for teachers or even the continuation of experimentation with uniforms at school. Finally, the president of the RN affirmed that “ the most strategic positions in the State will be reserved for French citizens and French nationals », confirming that dual nationals cannot be employed there. Without, however, eliminating the principle of dual nationality.




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