In Paris, breakthrough for the New Popular Front

In Paris, breakthrough for the New Popular Front
In Paris, breakthrough for the New Popular Front

By Martin Lagrave

1 hour ago,

Update There are 3 minutes


For the first round, the New Popular Front finished first in 13 out of 18 constituencies in the capital. Several heavyweights from the Macron camp are in difficulty in the capital.

In the face of the National Rally wave, the Paris commune is holding firm. The day after the first round, in the capital, the Macron camp is losing ground and the New Popular Front is strengthening its positions. Before the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron, out of the 18 constituencies in Paris, nine were under the Macronist flag and nine were in the colours of NUPES. After a historic turnout, the New Popular Front is gaining ground.

In fact, nine left-wing deputies have already been elected after the first round. This is the case of the Insoumis Rodrigo Arenas (10th constituency), Danièle Obono (17th), Sarah Legrain (16th), Sophia Chikirou (6th) and Aymeric Caron (18th). In the 15th constituency, Danielle Simonnet, the Insoumise “purged” by his party is well ahead (41.87%) against his opponent officially invested by the New Popular Front Céline Verzeletti (22.87%). Environmentalists Sandrine Rousseau and Eva Sas also find their seats in the 8th and 9th constituencies. Their colleague Pouria Amirshahi wins the 5th constituency. In all, the left is in the lead in 13 of the 18 Parisian constituencies.

Former Minister Clément Beaune Already Eliminated

Clément Beaune continues his fall. After being ejected from the government at the beginning of the year for his positions against the immigration law, the former Minister of Transport will not regain his seat. The historic Macronist faced Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire in the 7th constituency. With 50.87% of the votes, the socialist won in the first round despite Clément Beaune’s 32.78%.

Other heavyweights in the Macron camp are in difficulty in the capital. This is the case of the Minister of Civil Service Stanislas Guerini in an unfavorable ballot in the 3rd constituency. The former secretary general of En Marche claims nearly 34% of the votes against 46.15% for the New Popular Front candidate. In the 11th constituency, the outgoing MoDem Maud Gatel finds herself in a similar situation with 34.85% of the votes while the left-wing candidate Céline Hervieu received 43.70%.

In a telling geographical divide, the constituencies of western Paris place the candidates of the Macron camp in the lead. The outgoing deputies Olivia Grégoire (12th), Sylvain Maillard (1st), Benjamin Haddad (14th), David Amiel (13th) and Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet (4th) are in a position to keep their seats.




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