Weather forecast: July starts off with a bang, what’s next?

Weather forecast: July starts off with a bang, what’s next?
Weather forecast: July starts off with a bang, what’s next?

Between an anticyclone on the Atlantic and a Scandinavian low pressure complex, maritime currents, sometimes disturbed or slightly unstable, are circulating towards our regions from the northwest.

This morning, cloudiness will still be abundant in the regions south of the Sillon Sambre-et-Meuse, with one last shower in the far south-east of the country. Elsewhere, it will be dry with cloudy areas and large clearings. Quite quickly, cloudy areas will become more frequent and during the day, a few showers may develop. The maximums will be around 15 degrees in Hautes-Fagnes, 18 degrees on the coast and between 19 and 21 degrees in most other regions. The wind will be generally weak then sometimes moderate from the northwest, returning to the western sector.

Tonight, the sky will become cloudy from the North Sea with periods of rain. These rains will only reach the eastern borders at the end of the night. The minimums will be between 9 degrees on the Ardennes relief and 16 degrees at sea. The wind will be weak to moderate from the southwest. After the rains pass, it will turn west to northwest and become moderate.

Less beautiful tomorrow and Wednesday

Tuesday will be very cloudy with rain, followed by some showers. Gradually, there will be more clearings in the west. The maximums will be between 14 degrees in the High Fens and 19 degrees in the west of the country. The wind will be moderate from the northwest, veering to the north during the afternoon.

On Wednesday, we expect heavy cloud cover with periods of rain. It will remain cool with highs of 14 to 18 degrees, with a moderate west to southwest wind, and sometimes quite strong at the coast.

Thursday in two stages

On Thursday, it will be very cloudy at first with showers or temporary rain. Then, the weather will become generally dry from the west with more clear spells. The highs will be between 15 and 20 degrees, with a moderate wind, and on the coast rather quite strong, from the southwest to the west.

Variable weather for the weekend

Friday and during the weekend, the weather will be slightly variable with risk of a few showers; However, it will often be dry with sometimes beautiful sunny periods. On Friday, the maximum temperatures will be between 17 and 20 degrees, on the weekend between 18 and 22 degrees. Wind often moderate from the southwest.

weather weather forecast



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