Legislative elections 2024: an unprecedented breakthrough by the National Rally in Haute-Vienne

Legislative elections 2024: an unprecedented breakthrough by the National Rally in Haute-Vienne
Legislative elections 2024: an unprecedented breakthrough by the National Rally in Haute-Vienne

For the first time in history, the National Rally candidates all qualify for the second round.

With the television tuned to CNews, the Haute-Vienne activists of the National Rally exploded with joy on Sunday, June 30, at 8 p.m., upon seeing their party’s score at the national level. A satisfaction that was not tarnished throughout the evening by the discovery of the results achieved in the department.

With 63,753 votes across the whole of Haute-Vienne, the far-right party improved its score in the European elections (46,214 votes) and qualified its candidates for the second round in the three constituencies. Unprecedented.

Albin Freychet, who came in second in the third constituency, is surprised by the score of his rebellious competitor. “Manon Meunier is below what she should have done,” the 32-year-old statistician confided to his supporters.

In first place in the second constituency

In the second constituency, Sabrina Minguet, the only one to have passed the first round in 2022, even comes first, ahead of the socialist Stéphane Delautrette. But with nineteen votes in advance, the 31-year-old care worker is not claiming victory.

Camille Dos Santos de Oliveira, Albin Freychet and Sabrina Minguet.

Only Camille Dos Santos de Oliveira, in a first constituency more favourable to the left, is slightly behind, with more than 2,000 votes behind, but does not seem to have suffered from her anonymity – she was until now based in Creuse. Which encourages this 31-year-old executive assistant to risk everything and to propose to the candidate of the Republican Alternative, Isabelle Négrier, to leave the adventure. “We are facing the New Popular Front which is outside the Republican Arc, it would be wiser for her to withdraw”, she tries.

These members disappointed by the right

At the headquarters of the National Rally, we meet old timers, those who were seduced by the theme of immigration in the 1980s, but also more recent members. Immaculate shirt, full beard, this young person lives in a rural area around Limoges and voted for the Republican right until 2017. Why did he then slide towards the National Rally? “I like order, respect for traditions, our culture, our history, and there was no longer a figure on the right to represent that. » His parents took the same path. “In the countryside, we work and we no longer have any recognition. »

All our articles on the legislative elections

Guillaume Bellavoine



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