2024 Legislative Elections: These Political Personalities Eliminated in the First Round

2024 Legislative Elections: These Political Personalities Eliminated in the First Round
2024 Legislative Elections: These Political Personalities Eliminated in the First Round

the essential
A tough blow for some candidates who did not manage to reach the second round of these early legislative elections. Among them, Fabien Roussel of the PCF, the former socialist minister Jérôme Cahuzac and Clément Beaune, former member of the Castex and Borne governments.

If some were elected in the first round, for others, the campaign stops here, due to a lack of sufficient votes in their constituency to reach the second round.

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Clement Beaune

Former Minister for Europe and Transport Clément Beaune was eliminated in the first round of the legislative elections in Paris, beaten by the socialist Emmanuel Grégoire, according to the final results provided by the Ministry of the Interior. Facing him, Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy mayor of Paris was elected with 50.87% of the vote, against 32.78% for the figure of the left wing of Macronie.

Fabien Roussel

The boss of the PCF Fabien Roussel announced on Sunday evening that he would be eliminated in the first round of the legislative elections by the RN candidate in the 20th constituency of the North, saying he was “beaten but not defeated”. “Many of you will be disappointed by the national results and also the results in this constituency where […] the candidate of the National Rally wins in the first round by obtaining 50.3% of the votes”, he declared on LCP, from Saint-Amand-les-Eaux. “Still standing”, he added: ” We must remain dignified in the face of what is happening in France and what is happening here, in our region, in our Valenciennes, measure what is happening in the country and always fight to repair what arouses the anger of our fellow citizens “. He spoke of the “strong, angry anger, sometimes expressed with great emotion” of voters. He promised to continue to “fight for the defense of purchasing power, for republican equality, for our services public, for community life, for our municipalities, for our territory, for our factories, for the dignity of each and everyone.

Beaten, not beaten.

Here in Amandinois, as everywhere in France, we will continue to fight for our children, for the future of our country.

We will continue to fight against the extreme right’s project of division and social regression.

— Fabien Roussel (@Fabien_Roussel) https://twitter.com/Fabien_Roussel/status/1807495969296052383?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Damien Abad

The former minister of solidarity, removed from the government in May 2022 following accusations of rape, was eliminated in his constituency of Ain where he had been elected since 2012. He was running without the support of the presidential majority, which had invested facing him Nathalie Descours, who arrived fourth and also eliminated. The second round will oppose Marc Chavent (LR), who came largely first (39.1%) thanks to the support of the RN; to the NFP candidate, Florence Pisani (24.3%), as recalled The world.

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Jerome Cahuzac

A losing return for the former socialist minister convicted of tax fraud in 2018 who had tried to return to political life in Lot-et-Garonne. Jérôme Cahuzac came in 4th position, behind RN candidate Annick Cousin (41%), right-wing Divers candidate Guillaume Lepers (24.9%) and Xavier Czapla of the New Popular Front (18.4%).

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Léon Deffontaines

In the 3e constituency of the Somme, Léon Deffontaines only collected 15.03% of the votes, against 48.9% for the RN candidate and 27.72% for the LR candidate. For the communist, who had refused more affordable nominations to run in his department, there will be no second round.



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