Riposte on Netflix: If Jessica Alba fights so well, it’s thanks to… James Cameron! – Cinema News

Riposte on Netflix: If Jessica Alba fights so well, it’s thanks to… James Cameron! – Cinema News
Riposte on Netflix: If Jessica Alba fights so well, it’s thanks to… James Cameron! – Cinema News

Jessica Alba is starring in the Netflix film “Riposte”, one of the most watched on the platform this week. The actress proves to us that she has lost none of her combat training since her series Dark Angel (2000-2002).

Riposte is the Netflix movie that everyone is talking about right now… and not necessarily in a good way. Jessica Alba makes her big comeback on our screens playing a soldier who returns to her hometown to avenge her father. For 1 hour and 45 minutes, the actress engages in fights with her bare hands or various weapons.

If Riposte lacks finesse in its direction and has many inconsistencies in its script, Jessica Alba comes out of it with honors in terms of action. And it’s not surprising. In an interview given to the American media CBRthe 43-year-old actress explains that she exploited everything she had learned in Dark Angel, the series that revealed her, in 2000.

“It was my first major role and it had an unprecedented impact on my career: Dark Angel represents the foundation of what I can do in terms of action. It was fun to play and I felt strong. I never really had the opportunity until Riposte to use everything I learned early in my career. This is the first film where I get so into melee.”

An ambitious series

“She was designed to be the perfect soldier, a human weapon. Then she escaped…”. If you were born before the 2000s, then you have probably heard of Dark Angel, which aired on American television between 2000 and 2002.

This particularly ambitious SF series has the particularity of having been created and produced by James Cameron himself (the director of Titanic and Avatar, among others). In France, it was on M6 and in the famous Saturday Trilogy that we could see it every week.

It plunged us into a post-apocalyptic world caused by the Impulse (electromagnetic pulse due to a nuclear explosion caused by a terrorist attack). Its heroine, Max, is a genetically modified being since childhood. She strives to survive while searching for her brothers, who like her, have undergone experiments within a military complex aimed at producing super-soldiers.

Jessica Alba quickly caught the eye of Cameron, who entrusted her with the keys to his series. The latter will finally be canceled after two seasons because it was considered too expensive. The channel instead wanted to focus on Joss Whedon and his new post-Buffy project, titled Firefly…

Riposte, watch on Netflix.



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